Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

Re: whether chickens know which offspring are theirs biologically, even if they were incubated and brooded by another, unrelated, hen (a propos Paprika setting Venka's eggs, and Venka hanging around in the coop after they hatched), I've just read this (in one of the articles in Shad's list of recommended ones):
"Fowl may be able to determine genetic relatedness by olfaction, thus enabling kin recognition", section 3.
I've had this sneaking suspision that both hens and roosters know if chicks are their progeny.
Horrible week for antisocial me. Will have to survive concurrently the celebration for the national 14th of July, the village's patron three days party, having to host friends for five days, my partner's stepbrother's 50 th birthday and a heatwave like in most of Europe. Can't wait to reach Sunday night.

Tax for rant : please let these two be pullets 💚
View attachment 3184572
How brave are you? I couldn't cope & would refuse point blank to go to any of it~ though I quite see family could be a tad difficult. Having experienced French public toilets in remote places I do not recommend ~ not even in extreme emergencies! 🤣
Horrible week for antisocial me. Will have to survive concurrently the celebration for the national 14th of July, the village's patron three days party, having to host friends for five days, my partner's stepbrother's 50 th birthday and a heatwave like in most of Europe. Can't wait to reach Sunday night.

Tax for rant : please let these two be pullets 💚
View attachment 3184572
There is a difference between being antisocial and not liking the people one is forced to socialize with.:p
Some people, well okay, lots of people, say I'm antisocial. I'm not. I'm just fussy about who I spend my time with.
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Another warm day and due to get hot even by my standards at the weekend.
Three roosting in the new coop this evening; one in a nest box and two on a roost bar.
I'm on the lookout for a new water holder. The plastic one currently in use has a split both sides and isn't going to last much longer. Years ago one used to be able to get heavy duty rubber buckets about 20 cm deep. A couple of those would do. I can't find anything that deep. They are either around 10cm or around 100cm or more.
I'm still not happy with Henry's legs. I think there are still some mites alive under the scales. I'm going to have to dip them in surgical spirit I think but it's a two person job with the kit I have to hand.
How brave are you? I couldn't cope & would refuse point blank to go to any of it~ though I quite see family could be a tad difficult. Having experienced French public toilets in remote places I do not recommend ~ not even in extreme emergencies! 🤣

Have you had the experience of using the public toilets in Japan.

It is really different.

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