She definitely isn't an Ameraucana, so what is she?


Jul 24, 2020
So I was under the impression that one of my now 3-4 week old chicks was an Ameracauna, but now that I have a baby EE and Ameracauna, I know she definitely isn't one. She has a tail, and no puffy cheeks - ever. Thanks!
Both EEs and Ameraucanas have tails! Some EEs have muffs, and some don't. Most have green legs, but some may have slate legs.
Inexpensive chicks will be EEs! Purebred Ameraucanas come in a very few specific colors, all have muffs and slate legs, and will be more expensive.
Thanks! Well, the shop we bought from told us she is an Ameraucana, but she was like $6, so I guess she is an EE. Oh well! Its not like I really care about breeding at this point. I suppose the baby chick we got from another store is also not an Ameracauna, it is an Easter Egger as well.
Thanks! Well, the shop we bought from told us she is an Ameraucana, but she was like $6, so I guess she is an EE. Oh well! Its not like I really care about breeding at this point. I suppose the baby chick we got from another store is also not an Ameracauna, it is an Easter Egger as well.
They will still lay colored eggs
He's an EE. I like them a lot myself, and having had both, and not interested in showing, the EEs have worked out better here.
Look up the Ameraucana breed club, and see some beautiful birds, and what colors they come in.

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