Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

x 2 on the nice centerpiece Sally, that really is lovely! I have dry kitten food, Ever Pet, from the Dollar General for $3.30 for 3.15 lbs. same type of food is available at the market under Purina or the store label, for $2-$3 more... kinda surprised that the dollar store beat even WalMart. all the dry kitten food that I looked at had 40% protein. adult food, dog or cat, was 31% at the highest, 19% at the lowest. I wouldn't spend $17 either... keep looking! I did spend 30 bucks on a bag of cat litter tho'... I needed some and the store only had outrageously priced stuff... it's called the Worlds Best Cat Litter. it had better be for that price! well... I still have some of that bag, and I bought it back in June! it IS the Worlds Best. it scoops so easily, no putty knife needed to scrape the clumps up... it keeps odor under control... it's worth every penny - it lasts such a long time, it ends up being roughly the same price as the average stuff... those of you with kitties... Look for it. seriously.
Maybe I will find an egg today...

Quote: I was thinking you were a ... Well, not such a sweet mom. LOL! I get it now! My mind was thinking three to six -years-old!
I have 2 Golden Sex Links, Henrietta is dancing and rambling, I think she will be first & Harriet. 2 Buff Orpingtons, Sweetheart is kinda dancing & talking (maybe she's just quieter but definitely not as much of a sweetheart as she was, lol) & Scarlet O'Hara. 2 Andalusians, Twinkle Toes is talking, & Charlotte. And 3 Silkies, Angelina, Bernadette & Pearl. I had a 4th Silkie chick but he was a roo, Fluffernutter went to live in someone else's coop but unfortunately he and his 6 new girlfriends were recently taken by the circle of life by a fox :'~( Anyway, anticipation continues to build. Thanks for the well wishes! Maybe I will find an egg today...
You'll get lots of eggs from those chickens. All good layers. Well, don't know about the Silkies, I've never had them. Are they really chickens? Not some barnyard cross with a bunny?
I suppose some day I'll have to get a few to see what they're like. Almost everything I've read about them says they're really sweet. So sorry about Fluffernutter and his girls. You had him setup for a really enjoyable life, and I imagine it was a very good life for the time he had, which counts for a lot in my book.

What an awesome idea! I love going anywhere that I can wear jeans. It's about all I have anyway!
the 12 week old pullets are doing just fine in the dome! they were out with the flock this morning, off to the edge... but with them. and they ate breakfast without any bother. having 3 feeding stations helps... they are in the store bought coop now, dust bathing on the floor with Isis. and I have named them.
the white EE is Veronica, after Veronica Franco, a famous Venetian poet. my Dad had posted the Wiki info about Leghorns under her photo and the report of 15 eggs for the day, telling me to take them on a reward trip to Livorno, Italy (where Leghorns come from)... I may never get to Livorno, but I've been to Venice... so... the other 2 are Marans mixes (mixed with other Marans) so they got French names - Cosette (the one with lemon/copper hackles) and Genvieve (the black Cuckoo) (co-SET & jean-vee-ev, gotta have the accent, y'know.)

Mylee is back on the road with Oma. They are fully rested and recharged and in Illinois already! they should be here tomorrow afternoon! she had a great time in Kentucky, almost didn't want to leave! they will stop there again on the way back. "Cousin Beverly" has chickens, but she's nothing like us crazy chicken folk. doesn't even know what kind they are, but from talking to her on the phone, I surmised she has BR's and probably RIR's and RIW's or Leghorns she called the BR's "barred somethings... black and white squiggles and light brown eggs"
Too funny, Cheeka.
I am trying my hand at making more wine. The first batch wasn't bad, but I didn't care for it. I am picky about my wine. I am thinking this batch will come out much better.
While looking up my canning questions (and not getting satisfactory answers at times) I am realizing something. Canning is a great way to "go green". Metal cans take up a lot of room in in landfills. Then there is the fact that they are metal to begin with. With canning, only one small metal part gets tossed. And isn't that what the wax blocks are for? Re-using the disks/lids too? I also like that you can pick the size jar you need. But even with a bigger jar, it is still a small disk being tossed.
I am such a wonderful person for canning!!
I'm an even lazier green person, I don't can, and I don't eat canned food from the store. except for like one can of corned beef hash once a year.
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One of my pullets keeps singing the egg song. She has done it off and on all morning! I go out to find my egg and there isn't one. She laid her first egg last Friday evening and her second egg last Saturday evening but it was soft shelled. I don't think she has laid one since. I told her she is like the boy who cried wolf. I'm not going to believe her when she really lays one!

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