Show off your Delawares! *PIC HEAVY*

They are certainly clean, and a beautiful flock, your breeding program is going very well, I hope that you are going to sell a lot of hatching eggs this spring !

I strongly support the daily free ranging, its the proving ground to me for a homestead bread of chicken which I certainly see the Delaware as.
How are their temperments and size of eggs do you have?

The eggs are mostly large with some extra large and the occasional double yoker. I get 16-21 eggs everyday from 21 hens.

They all come when called. The hens are friendly. They would follow me around if I let them. The rooster has tested us a few times but we put him back in his place and he mostly keeps his distance from us. We had no issues with any when we had to handle them for NPIP testing. He takes care of his girls. He calls them over to food he finds, and alerts when he perceives a threat.
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Winkle that is my near ideal homestead chicken that you are discribing.

Add in hefty broilers and roasters and that rounds it out.

I like the egg scale, where are they available?
Winkle that is my near ideal homestead chicken that you are discribing.

Add in hefty broilers and roasters and that rounds it out.

I like the egg scale, where are they available?

Not sure where mine came from as I received it as a Christmas gift. I did a quick search and found that amazon, mcmurray hatchery, meyers hatchery and strombergs hatchery carry it. Meyers appears to be the least expensive.
Not sure where mine came from as I received it as a Christmas gift. I did a quick search and found that amazon, mcmurray hatchery, meyers hatchery and strombergs hatchery carry it.  Meyers appears to be the least expensive.

I personally got some from meyers. Dont go there. Lots of leg problems, green legs, hens are very small and roosters still growing out but they are not looking ready for the plate any time soon and they were hatched oct 1. Ill be going the more expensive but quality route this year.

There a number of things that I like about him: his size and stance, the slope and length of his back, his tail set, breadth of his breast, and the color.

He'd be my flock meister.

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