Show off your Delawares! *PIC HEAVY*

LOL yay. If I can get down that way, he can come on up here. I am getting some W/BW eggs locally but I have some in the incubator from Halo too! Eventually I'm gonna have BLUE EGG layers. Yay.

When I've confirmed it's a male, I'll let you know. Will be a couple to three more weeks to be absolutely sure.
Yay Scott!

Welcome back Delaware Girl!!! Been missing you!

I think you all have it covered on the standard, except on the female tail feathers they should be solid black with a white quill, and a white edge.

How many times have I said it? I really am going to try to get a few updated pictures of the dellies this week.I have already culled down (gave to a friend) the ones that I just knew were not going to be in the flock but I will be making a few more cuts in a few more weeks.I am going to keep about 8-10 girls and two roo's.One from each line( Cynthia and Bill Bradens) and a few girls from each line.I was going to get pictures today but the wind was way to much so I went back in.

Glad to see you earning your keep again Scott.Are you going to be moving or staying in the great state of Georgia? We still need to get together sometime maybe in Rockmart for lunch.
James....Thank the Good Lord I am going to be staying RIGHT HERE, in the thriving metropolis of Cartersville. Like my previous job it will require travel...but the Atlanta airport is easy to get ANYWHERE from. I don't start work until March 1...maybe lunch next week??
WOW...there is so much that has happened since I have been on last. I am so happy for your Scott. What great news!

I am happy to see new chickie pictures on the thread. And they are beautiful!

Lots of eggs in the incubators , so there will be alot of little chickies soon.

I love to here all the plans of future gardens.

I know I am missing some posts, Sorry!

I hope everyone has a wonderful evening. And I will talk to you tommarow. I have to go out and tend to the chickens. I have to go check on my marans, my hen was in the nest box when I let them out earlier. So hopefully I have a beautiful choclate colored egg out there.

It will be nice, I have only had them for about 1.5 mths and I have only seen 1 egg from them so far. Lets hope they start up soon. Talk to you all later~ Tacey
Yeah what Beth said, thought I was missing something too, turns out I was :lol:IDK jack-poop about these fandangled contraptions other than they are just a glorified typewriter with a picture screen on 'em. Nice pic. of the man, I just hope my boy will come a little close in comparison to him and George, prolly gonna take a few generations before I can get close to those guys.

Everbody else great pics and keep 'em coming, I'm too gonna post some on here soon, I hope.

Kathy- thanks for posting that- my stomach hurts from laughing- someone needs to send that to Judge Judy- what a hoot!

Catdaddyfro- I am SO glad I am not the only computer ignoramus. It took me an hour last night to figure out how to do it and get it done, but I did, and there was Isaac!

Anyone in NC/GA/TN getting sunshine today?

I have a question for those of you with Dellies in the 14 week or so age group- is the smut on their backs starting to molt out yet?

Laney- re: tail feathers -I forgot the black tail feathers are to be entirely edged with white - I went back and checked the SOP and it didn't say the main tail feather quills are white. It's the tail coverts on the females that should show "indications of irregular black and white barring, predominatingly white quill and shaft, white".
That doesn't totally make sense to me - what does that mean in English?

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