Show off your Delawares! *PIC HEAVY*

Tim, watch it with the female jokes around!!!!
I agree with you, it would be nice to get some broody Dels. Some kind of nice balance, though, as I like my eggs!
Going to get pics of my Delewares right now. I gave all the females to a friend and kept all the males to eat. They are a month and 20 days old. They are on Flock Raiser, Oats and boiled eggs. They free range when im out there

I'm anxious to see if they are gonna be some good meat birds. =]
to all.... I have noticed that some of the chicks of dels, have a darker yellow streak on their heads than others. Does this have anything to do with being male or female? Is their a away to tell them apart when they are tiny? I know with some breeds there are. gloria Jean
No, Gloria Jean, that has nothing to do with the sex of the chick. Gosh, sure wish it did! Would make sexing so much easier/sooner. But, no, I usually have three or four in every batch with a smudge on the head, but way more males than that.
Here are my delewares as chicks (some are EE's and one is a blue rock):



Here they are today (There are still EE's and then there are a pair of polish, a mix breed and 2 turkeys


Poultryhaven, where did you get your Dels? We processed a couple of our roos, and they were very tasty- did you think about keeping a hen or two so you can keep raising some if you DO like them as meat birds? Cute chickie pics, BTW.

Jeremy, that looks like the start of a great hatch- can't wait to see them all fluffed up!!
I have 2. One still on the nest 20 plus days later and one that went broody for 2 weeks and quit. After day 23, I took the eggs away from broody #1 and put them in the incubator incase she decided it had been long enough. (There is still life and movement in those eggs so I don't know if she took them from somewhere in the coop and they have a later hatch date as a result.)
First, where did you get your Dels?

Second, I have three broodies in the coop and unfortunately when they get out to go another hen will get in and lay another egg. I've got a BO who is still there even though she had hatched a few chicks from the original set.

Three, what should I do about this? Should I move her? I have a friz with her chicks all hatched. I just don't have a set up for them all.

I didnt' think chickens went broody so often. Everything I'd read made it sound like it was a rare thing. Not around here it isn't.

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