Show off your Delawares! *PIC HEAVY*

If the eggs were green, then you have Delaweggers!!!

You know, there appear to be enough of them that I think we should include them in the Delaware Club site!!!
If the eggs were green they would have had to come from an Easter Egger.
These are Delaweggers I hatched. Delaware rooster over Easter Egger hen.....



Do you ever get that feeling that you are being watched?

Do you wonder if your chickens might be more fond of you than your other half?

Do you ever wonder if your chickens had a choice between freedom and a life with you, what they would choose?


That cockerel spends more time at my back door staring in than he does with his pullets. If I leave the door open he will just pace back and forth talking to me. LOL He follows me around the yard like a dog and when I go inside he stands at the door waiting for me to come back out. If he gets hot, he goes and finds some shade under the gazebo and comes running the minute I open the door. We know he ain't right, but lordy he is adorable

So, does anyone else have a stalker ? ??

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I do have a tag along too, well actually had two when they were together both are my two Delaware males Alley and Sly. They used to would follow me to the garden hundreds of feet down the road from the house, looked just like a dog following you around. The dels are by far the most curious and interesting (to say the least) breed. Second to me would be the EE's all mine are very different acting than most chickens, and by far the most laid back and COOLEST of all are the NHs I got from Mrs. Kathy can you say easy going, shoot!

Oh I got to get Dellawegger pics in so much a bad way, got to figure out how to do it as they are here there and yonder when all out free ranging and its too dark in the barn to get good pics I will work on that though. I need to show them girls off, too.
Dances all around me!
If I throw treats to him, he offers them back to me.
Yesterday, he offered me the best spot he could find for me to lay an egg for him LOL.

Well how can you resist? Lay that gentleman an egg!

My Orp roo tries to court me a bit, but not like your Del does. I've got to have a talk to that fella! On second thought, never mind, I have some Delly eggs about to go in the incubator.
Dances all around me!
If I throw treats to him, he offers them back to me.
Yesterday, he offered me the best spot he could find for me to lay an egg for him LOL.

Well how can you resist? Lay that gentleman an egg!

My Orp roo tries to court me a bit, but not like your Del does. I've got to have a talk to that fella! On second thought, never mind, I have some Delly eggs about to go in the incubator.

Yes I too have a rooster that does all the fancy steps and woo-ing he can muster up sometimes towards me too, the strange thing to me about it is, I'm a dude too, but you'd really have to know Billy-bad@$$ and our very unique relationship. I've spoiled him rotten since he was a chick and he knows it. I can just about summons him from anywhere in the yard and he'll come and let me pick him up and such esp. if I have a pack of peanut butter crackers(the orange ones) all I have to do is rattle the plastic wrapper and here he comes a runnin'. He's a hoot and a holler to watch sometimes.


Chickens and my dogs are good medicine for me, worth every penny in their feed and their weight in gold.
Dances all around me!
If I throw treats to him, he offers them back to me.
Yesterday, he offered me the best spot he could find for me to lay an egg for him LOL.

Just someting I've noticed, my Del cockerels seem to be more sharing and gentlemanly with the ladies than BooBoo Chicken, our BO roo. They are always calling the girls over for things. No overtures yet to humans though!
Lisa, you are adored, that is so cool!

One of my favorite things is when the young cockerels start figuring out their reason for living, and call anything and anybody or no one at all over to a treat or food source. A boy like that jumps way up on my list of "who to keep"!

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