SHOW OFF YOUR YUM! Food Photography Thread

Corn zucchini fritters... first time I’ve ever liked zucchini!

After a long night somewhere in the woods, he finally (somehow) got home.
I made him a bacon cheeseburger omelette. I felt so guilty for forgetting to make him toast.
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OH MY GOODNESS!!! You are so lucky that he came back. Their nose takes them off and they usually are lost for good. My beagle is currently sleeping... I think she is jealous of his food lol
His chain broke, and he was wrapped around a tree/trees in the woods behind the house. He finally began barking for help, but I couldn’t find him in the dark, and couldn’t get into the woods anyway. Do you know how agonizing that was?! I don’t know how he got loose from the woods, but it’s possible the property owners got him loose.
His chain broke, and he was wrapped around a tree/trees in the woods behind the house. He finally began barking for help, but I couldn’t find him in the dark, and couldn’t get into the woods anyway. Do you know how agonizing that was?! I don’t know how he got loose from the woods, but it’s possible the property owners got him loose.
I wouldn’t have been able to sleep! I am such a worrier when it comes to my animals. I lose sleep if anything goes wrong.

Our beagle ran away the first day we brought her home! She was 3 years old and had no clue who we were. I cried forever like a baby inside the house. My husband is a dog whisperer and he got her to stay in the yard and come to him after about an hour. Her name was Lacy but as soon as he called her Lucy she was instantly our buddy. Think she hated her previous name 😂

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