SHOW OFF YOUR YUM! Food Photography Thread

Yummy & Cool or Nerdy & yummy..
You be the judge..
Using my New R2D2 timmer on a batch of cookies... 375* until R2D2 tells me they are ready!

May the Force be with you. Always..:thumbsup
My favorite way to cook veggies is the pressure cooker. Sprinkle with a little garlic powder and salt first, top with real butter after.


Super quick tacos tonight. Canned beans with a little milk makes em creamy. Street taco size corn tortillas fried into shells. Didn't feel like opening a can of jalapeno salsa so I topped with sambal oelek and a little catalina dressing. I didn't even season the meat with anything because the dog had burger and rice for his upset tummy.
My favorite way to cook veggies is the pressure cooker. Sprinkle with a little garlic powder and salt first, top with real butter after.

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Super quick tacos tonight. Canned beans with a little milk makes em creamy. Street taco size corn tortillas fried into shells. Didn't feel like opening a can of jalapeno salsa so I topped with sambal oelek and a little catalina dressing. I didn't even season the meat with anything because the dog had burger and rice for his upset tummy.
  1. We did chicken tacos tonight. Haven't uploaded the pix yet.
  2. I love the high rimmed plates & color!
  3. I had hard shells but wanted your softies.
  4. SHOW ME A PHOTO of the rest of your place mat.. lol. :pop
I'll post my pix on in a bit... R2D2 told me I need to grab my cookies if I want to show off NON BURNT cookies!:lau

Here's the placement. I think hubs got them at walmart.

I'm making cookies Sunday. Not really into baking, but the man is after me for chocolate chip.

Yum, chicken tacos! We have some bbq'd thighs in the freezer, I might use those tomorrow night to finish up the rest of the fixins.

We're having cornmeal pancakes and bacon Saturday night :woot
I like breakfast for dinner more than breakfast!
The smell of my spicy turkey soup is drifting through my house as i type. Simmering the veggies now, and then a handfull of home grown herbs and re-introduction of the shredded meat...
Cool down and reheat tomorrow with some thin egg noodles. Enough for an army.... or my always present extended family. ;)
Oh and yes. The dog gets plenty. Ignore her abused puppy face.....
Super quick tacos tonight. Canned beans with a little milk makes em creamy. Street taco size corn tortillas fried into shells. Didn't feel like opening a can of jalapeno salsa so I topped with sambal oelek and a little catalina dressing. I didn't even season the meat with anything because the dog had burger and rice for his upset tummy.
I suppose the Romaine Lettuce could have been dried better now that I see the photos.
Use to have a spinner dryer. I miss it. Push down on the spring loader and centrifugal forced the water of of veggies... Maybe Santa will bring one..:fl

The shells are too small. Put sour cream in a side dish for dipping tha save room in the shells for goodies.
Instead of Beef, used diced chicken breast tenders.
Had no refried beans..:hit

Cookies from scratch for a little later snack..
Milk & Cookies and a Netflix movie. I was down for the count.
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We didn't have enough turkey left overs after the sandwich feast.. First time ever..
Your soup looks delicious! Do your freeze store soups? I like to cook bulk and thaw in a jiffy to get out of a jam in a time crunch. Plus the thawed stuff tastes come together more robust and fused.
I know that face.. trust me.. lol.
Thanks for joining the thread:)

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