SHOW OFF YOUR YUM! Food Photography Thread

I watched it about a month ago. :love
Drive in theater. Saturday night. Swing sets and playgrounds at the drive in's-before the BALL PIT was conceived.
Same with "Escape from Witch Mountain." Swish Family Robinson". "Chitty chitty bang bang".
George C Scott in "Bank Shot". Tons of other main stream NON POLITICAL entertainment.
It's ALWAYS either gravy, curry sauce or mushy peas with mint sauce to accompany! My local chippy is awesome! They don't do it like him though. An automatic peeler for the spuds then cut into a 2 gallon bucket and tipped strait into the fryer. The best spuds are NEW potatoes they are soft and full of flavour. The fish is floured battered and dropped in the fryer. And always ask for scraps, that's the bits of batter that come of the fish. If your in Scotland you can also have their traditional chip shop pudding that consists of a battered deep fried Mars bar! You gotta love the jocks!
beer buddies.gif

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