SHOW OFF YOUR YUM! Food Photography Thread

Made this goulash also cottage cheese thinking of making corndogs tomorrow night now
Grilling wasn’t happening, and I lost my patience for tacos.
Chili and corn dogs for when cornbread isn’t made, and you’re not in the mood for chili dogs.
I don't know why I never thought of putting corn dogs with chili... great idea!!

Do you make cornbread from scratch or boxed mixes? I've used every pre-packaged brand they make and they all turn out dense and flat for me. Then my 2nd grade daughter gave me a "homemade mix" from school as a Christmas gift and it's the best recipe for cornbread muffins I ever had! Finally, I know how to make cornbread now.
Finally, I know how to make cornbread now.
If you like to experiment,,,,,, add a can of corn into your dough mix. You can use whole corn, or creamed corn. Drain the water.
It gives the muffins a similar sensation as if there are raisins in it.
DW does it this way most times, unless we are out of canned corn.
Made this goulash also cottage cheese thinking of making corndogs tomorrow night now
Everyone I know has a completely different recipe for goulash. I still don't know what it's actually supposed to look like. I wonder if it's one of those meals where almost anything you mix together can be called goulash :confused:

If you like to experiment,,,,,, add a can of corn into your dough mix. You can use whole corn, or creamed corn. Drain the water.
It gives the muffins a similar sensation as if there are raisins in it.
DW does it this way most times, unless we are out of canned corn.
Another good idea! Would the extra "creaminess" of creamed corn change the muffin's ability to rise properly?
I'm a midwest girl at heart, born in Iowa, and I love corn with everything. It's a requirement in all my mexican dishes... taco salads, enchiladas, nachos etc. And my favorite side dish is scalloped corn with bacon.
Do you make cornbread from scratch or boxed mixes? I've used every pre-packaged brand they make and they all turn out dense and flat for me. Then my 2nd grade daughter gave me a "homemade mix" from school as a Christmas gift and it's the best recipe for cornbread muffins I ever had! Finally, I know how to make cornbread now.

I would love to try it. I cant do boxed mixes & have never experimented with a cornbread.
My DH had been wanting to go out for lobster for a while, so for father's day I made this dinner:

I found some giant lobster tails at Costco and watched YouTube videos to learn how to prepare it on top of the shell like that. I was so proud of myself and it was sooooo delicious!

Hubby grilled the steaks outside, but they were so big I only took part of one.
My DH had been wanting to go out for lobster for a while, so for father's day I made this dinner:
View attachment 1825268

I found some giant lobster tails at Costco and watched YouTube videos to learn how to prepare it on top of the shell like that. I was so proud of myself and it was sooooo delicious! View attachment 1825269
Hubby grilled the steaks outside, but they were so big I only took part of one.

Would the extra "creaminess" of creamed corn change the muffin's ability to rise properly?
The muffin mix we use most likely has baking powder to rise. The can of corn added to the mix,(we don't do only one box, but more like 4 at a time) does not seem to dilute the mix such as to affect the rise. :idunno
Does your recipe call for Baking Powder, Baking Soda, or Yeast?

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