Sick baby chick


In the Brooder
Sep 12, 2017
Hi! I have never raised chickens before and now I have 5 chicks, a Guinea and 2 ducks and I love them all dearly but one of my chicks has fallen sick and I'm not sure what is wrong with her/how to make her better.

She is an ISA brown between 4-5 weeks old (doesn't have all her head feathers yet) and she has been extremely lethargic and not eating or drinking and her poop is a watery yelllow color. Her crop has been swollen so I think she might have sour crop but I have been massaging her crop and giving her olive oil and apple cider vinegar in her water (which I fed to her with a eye dropper). It has been 3 days now and I'm not seeing a huge improvement. She seems a little more chirpy today but still very sleepy but she refuses to lay down and sleep she stays standing up. I picked her up when I got home this evening and massaged her crop and she threw up quite a bit and I'm hoping that will get whatever was in her crop out but she is still sleepy and I'm not sure if I should feed her water with electrolytes and probiotics in it or keep up with the olive oil.

Also I just noticed a little bit of a runny nose and I think it might be from vomiting earlier but I'm not sure if it's discharge or leftover vomit.

If anyone has experienced anything like this or similar please let me know how you handled it. I will do anything I can. I purchased some wazinen bc I thought she might have a parasite but I'm not she if I should use that or not.

All take all and any advice and specifics in measurements and whatever is much appreciated. I love my little Butter and I don't want to see her go but I also don't want to see her suffer

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