Sick Chick- help!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 9, 2014
This morning I noticed that one of our chicks was huddled in a corner of the back porch. At first I just thought that he/she got separated from his mom and siblings but he didn't join them when they came to the porch to rest. To test this, I threw out some feed. Mom and the other chicks all ran to the food but he stayed put. He stayed there for hours. I finally got him to move but he wasn't behaving like normal. Instead of running from me and calling out to Mom, he slowly moved away from me a few steps and then stood where he was, unmoving. I got him to move a little bit more but he would just stand there and "fall asleep" it seemed. Normally if I walked anyway near him he'd take off and he would never miss out on food. I would like to bring him in and see if I can help him but I'm just not sure what's wrong.

I'm new to this... these aren't even my chickens. They just wonder around the property and I feed them when they come calling. Is there anything I can do for him?

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