Sick Chicken!! Please help

The white urates can appear yellow if there is yellow fluid in the dropping. But it you see yellow urates instead of white in all of the droppings, yellow urates can signify liver disease. Liver disease can be common with internal laying, egg yolk peritonitis, cancer, ascites (water belly,) and fatty liver disease.

Make sure that her crop is emptying overnight by checking it in early morning before she eats or drinks. Check her weight often. Try to offer her some wet chicken feed and a bit of scrambled egg to get her eating. I usually hold those up to the beak in a small cup or bowl. When I lose a hen like this, the best way to find out what was happening, is to do a necropsy (autopsy) to look at the organs. We can help if pictures are posted here.
I’m sorry what does make sure that her crop is emptying overnight mean?

And do you think antibiotics is something I should be giving her.
Some of my chickens seem to be ill especially at least one older one but one of them is only 2 1/2 years old. In general some of them have been slowing down and one 2 1/2 yr old Comet died recently. My older Rhode Island red is showing similar signs. I wonder if adding two ducklings to the group is causing a problem.? The poop seems to be blackish and runnier than usual. Does anyone have any suggestions? Who should I consult for Meds? A vet?

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