Sick roo bubbling sound from lungs


5 Years
Nov 24, 2016
Central Texas
I just found one of my roos sitting like he was dead, I thought he was dead til I saw life in his eyes. Won't move at all doesn't even try to protest when I pick him up. Very slow and deliberate breathing. Feathers look fine, vent is clean, no discharge from mouth, nose or eyes. The only visible symptom is his comb looks pale, dry and chapped. When I pick him up I can hear a very distinct bubbling, pneumonia like, sound. And now that i just got a real good look his eyes look blood shot.

I separated him from the flock, any ideas what this is?
I’ve had some go down hill really fast before, did he just suddenly come down with this, or was he showing some symptoms beforehand? How old is your roo? Sadly, chickens seem to come down with all kinds of crazy things, and it is hard to narrow down exactly what the problem is. Does his crop feel normal? I’ve noticed that when they get sour crop sometimes, it makes some weird popping noises.
I just found one of my roos sitting like he was dead, I thought he was dead til I saw life in his eyes. Won't move at all doesn't even try to protest when I pick him up. Very slow and deliberate breathing. Feathers look fine, vent is clean, no discharge from mouth, nose or eyes. The only visible symptom is his comb looks pale, dry and chapped. When I pick him up I can hear a very distinct bubbling, pneumonia like, sound. And now that i just got a real good look his eyes look blood shot.

I separated him from the flock, any ideas what this is?
I got him to stand up, bad balance/wobbly and when he took a step it was very heavy/clumsy
Any ideas? I'm heading out to the feed store and could pick up some meds but I wouldn't know which.
What's his crop like?
Is he your only rooster - not been fighting?
Photos of him, the eyes and his poop may be helpful.
How old is he?
Any chance he ate something moldy, rotten or toxic?

I would separate him, see if he will drink. Hard to know what to recommend since we have no clue as to what's causing his problems.
I’ve had some go down hill really fast before, did he just suddenly come down with this, or was he showing some symptoms beforehand? How old is your roo? Sadly, chickens seem to come down with all kinds of crazy things, and it is hard to narrow down exactly what the problem is. Does his crop feel normal? I’ve noticed that when they get sour crop sometimes, it makes some weird popping noises.
What's his crop like?
Is he your only rooster - not been fighting?
Photos of him, the eyes and his poop may be helpful.
How old is he?
Any chance he ate something moldy, rotten or toxic?

I would separate him, see if he will drink. Hard to know what to recommend since we have no clue as to what's causing his problems.

I've had no internet service since I sent that last post. His crop feels fine. He is an about 6 month old cockerel that has been in a bachelor flock. They've been fighting somewhat but he has no damage that I can see. His feathers are still nice looking, he has no mess around his vent, I have not seen him defecate yet but when I found him the dirt he was crumpled over in had a large moist area of dirt (I shoveled all that dirt as far away from the run as I could). His eyes look good color and he has awareness. He's been separated since this morning hasn't moved much but he has moved a little.

No discharge at all, comb is pale and. Dry, legs seem to be "shedding" and he has a pneumonia/ bronchitis bubbling sound when he breathes.

I'm attaching a pic from earlier today. Aside from what you can see in the pic, the bubbling breathing and the clumsy feet he has no other noticable symptoms. But at the same time he looks rough.


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Photos of the "shedding" legs?

I would try getting some poultry vitamins into him to see if that helps.
The gurgling doesn't sound too promising. It could be a respiratory illness or organ dysfunction hard to know.
I would also feel around on his body for anything that feel likes an air bubble to make sure there's no leaking air sac.
I had a rooster come down with a respiratory illness, which then turned into a secondary infection in his lungs. Gurgling sounds could be heard and there was a bit of open mouth breathing. He was also very lethargic.

Did two doses of antibiotics over two days. The first dose 1cc into the “scruff” of the neck. By the next morning he was noticeably better. After the second dose he was no longer open mouth breathing. He’s fine now and has been months. The antibiotics were a last second decision to save him, as he was in the state of your bird. Not something you would just administer at anytime to any bird though. Just a suggestion that may help him if it isn’t too late.
My internet connection has been horrendous. I couldn't get the page to load all day.
Photos of the "shedding" legs?

I would try getting some poultry vitamins into him to see if that helps.
The gurgling doesn't sound too promising. It could be a respiratory illness or organ dysfunction hard to know.
I would also feel around on his body for anything that feel likes an air bubble to make sure there's no leaking air sac.

I won't be able to upload a picture my connection is so bad today. The shedding on his legs isn't really too visible now, just looks like there is some dryness but when I separated him from the flock I sat him on the tailgate of my truck while I set up a quarantine cage. And when I picked him back up there was a bunch of what looked like flakes of dried Elmer's glue or almost thought nothing of it until I realized it was shaped like it had come off his legs.

I don't feel anything out of the ordinary on him

I had a rooster come down with a respiratory illness, which then turned into a secondary infection in his lungs. Gurgling sounds could be heard and there was a bit of open mouth breathing. He was also very lethargic.

Did two doses of antibiotics over two days. The first dose 1cc into the “scruff” of the neck. By the next morning he was noticeably better. After the second dose he was no longer open mouth breathing. He’s fine now and has been months. The antibiotics were a last second decision to save him, as he was in the state of your bird. Not something you would just administer at anytime to any bird though. Just a suggestion that may help him if it isn’t too late.

What antibiotics would you suggest? I don't have access to a vet that does poultry so it would have to come from tractor supply.

So a bit of an update:
He's been moving around a little but not much. He's drinking water now and doesn't look to be mouth breathing as heavily. And, the bubbly/gurgling breathing was very loud yesterday, I didn't hear it at all when I gave him fresh water. So, some improvement. But, he's having a whole lot of diarrhea and it looks to be mostly liquid as there's a large wet puddle but not a whole lot of visible fecal matter. Still no discharge or anything like that.

I'm wondering if I could have caused this. I did a thorough cleaning in the coop the day before yesterday. The coops dirt floor so when I clean I rake up all the crap and skim about a quarter inch of dirt off the top. Maybe I kicked up some bacteria?

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