*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Way to rub it in, JD.:tongue

We've had light frosts during the last several nights, and it appears that they are likely next week, too.

I used to have a garden, but at the moment, I'm kind of flummoxed on what I can grow. The challenges are many, and my options few. One of my greatest challenges is the deer - I'm seeing browse damage from them on plants literally under my windows. I've seen deer bounce over the 4.5" fence on the horse pasture like it's nothing; I'm thinking I may need to construct something like a chicken run to grow anything.
Way to rub it in, JD.:tongue

We've had light frosts during the last several nights, and it appears that they are likely next week, too.

I used to have a garden, but at the moment, I'm kind of flummoxed on what I can grow. The challenges are many, and my options few. One of my greatest challenges is the deer - I'm seeing browse damage from them on plants literally under my windows. I've seen deer bounce over the 4.5" fence on the horse pasture like it's nothing; I'm thinking I may need to construct something like a chicken run to grow anything.
Bunny, I know what you mean. I have not only deer but neighbor's jacks to contend with. My solution is an electric fence. I'm using eight foot t-posts three strands of wire and a shocker unit that will knock your legs out from you. I use extreme caution.......now. My backside has made contact with the middle strand.....nuff said.
Gee, I didn't even know they made 8 footers . . . though a google search tells me that if I drive about 45 minutes to the nearest TSC, I should be able to find them.

I know what you mean about the fence. I have a hot wire around the horse/goat areas; it's the only way to keep those pointy headed problem children where they belong. One time, while opening the gate, I stepped back and the wire touched my right leg while my left hand was on the metal gate. I yelled, a loud "hah!" that was completely involuntary. I later found a slight burn mark on my calf.

And at one point, we had put a few strands of hot wire around an area near the greenhouse for the goats. One evening, I was on my way to the greenhouse to stoke the fire, and spooked a deer - right into the wire. I didn't see it, but boy, did I hear it! Those things can yell louder than the goats, y'know? (almost as loud as I did!)

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