Sign Petition to stop GMO Alfalfa from entering circulation

Excerpts taken from research papers, hence the numbers in brackets....

Dangers of GM-Soy
In addition to the toxicity of glyphosate, several animal studies have found several health issues directly related to the consumption of GM-soybean. Rabbits fed GM-soy were found to have altered enzymatic activity in their livers as well as a higher metabolic activity [7]. Microscopic analyses of the livers of mice fed Roundup Ready soybeans revealed altered gene expression and structural and functional changes [8]. Much of these changes reversed after the mice diet was switched to non-GM soy, indicating that GM soy was the culprit.

Molecular geneticist Michael Antoniou, Ph.D., described that the findings "are not random and must reflect some 'insult' on the liver by the GM soy." Antoniou, who does human gene therapy research in King's College London, said that although the long-term consequences of the GM soy diet are not known, it "could lead to liver damage and consequently general toxemia" [9].

A study presented in December of 2005 by Dr. Ermakova found that rats fed a GM-soy flour diet had 56 percent of their offspring die at birth compared to only 8 percent in the control group [10]. Ermakova (2005) also reported that, "From the data it is evident, that 36% of the pups from the GM soya group weighed less than 20 g, in comparison with the 6% in the positive control group, and with the 6.7% found in the traditional soya supplemented diet group. Study of pups' organs mass showed that the organs of small pups from GM group were tiny in comparison with the same of other groups except the brain mass. This fact indicated that the pups from the GM group were the same age as others, but changes were occurred with the development of internal organs" [10]. Furthermore, Ermakova found that the male rats who were fed GM soy had their testicles change color from normal pink to dark blue.

Researchers also found that the cells in the pancreatic cells of mice fed Roundup Ready soy had profound changes and produced significantly less digestive enzymes [11]. Furthermore, mice fed GM soy were found to have altered young sperm [12] and even the embryos of GM fed parent mice had significant changes in their DNA [13]. Clearly, GMOs are either an arrogant blend of controlling life through food or an insidious plot for population control.

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Way to go Denmark!
Europe, Australia, New Zealand some places in South America all know something North America doesn't seem to understand.
No they are not.
The made a GM tomato with fish genes so it wouldn't spoil as fast. There wasn't any Round-Up inserted into the tomatoe's DNA.

There's no "Round up inserted" into anything, but Round up resistant plants are "GMO"'s

More people might listen if there wasn't so much false iinformation being spread​
Excerpts taken from research papers, hence the numbers in brackets....

Seems that study was flawed.
The Russian Academy of Science isn't know to be reliable

Like so many, this report has a lot of hype wilt little substance

Dr. Irina Ermakova of the Russian Academy of Sciences recently released a study reporting higher mortality rates and lower body weight among young rats whose mothers were fed a diet of herbicide resistant, genetically modified soybeans. According to experts at the British Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes, a serious review of the study is not possible until more experimental data is made available. In addition, the study’s findings go against reviewed scientific studies that have refuted negative health effects.

The Australian scientist Dr. Christopher Preston (University of Adelaide) addressed Dr. Ermakova’s research in an article in AgBioWorld (October 2005). According to Dr. Preston, the data released on the experiment could not withstand a scientific review. He also criticised Ermakova’s approach to communicating her findings. She presented her research at an anti-GMO conference with a strong media presence. By doing this, she publicised her results and avoided subjecting her findings to assessment by the scientific community.​
On the sustainable self website there was a link to some research done about the high cost of using GMO corn to feed cows... the costs are going up because the nutrition is so POOR that the cows are needing MORE and MORE to sustain themselves and ingest nearly twice the food for the same amount of nutrients they NEED to survive. I fine that very true... as many studies are even showing the hybrid fruits/veggies to be lacking in the nutrients we need.

So its obviously not good for our health, even if you question the studies... it appears its going to help our food situation since we'd need to consume more anyways to get any time of sustance from what we are consuming. Isn't it better to eat less and be healthy then to eat more, get fat, feel week and possibly make future generations more likely to get cancer?
There's no "Round up inserted" into anything, but Round up resistant plants are "GMO"'s

More people might listen if there wasn't so much false iinformation being spread

How are round up resistant plants GMO?
Do you mean plants that develop the resistance naturally?
If so, then that's not GMO, that's the basses of evolution through adaptation.
First off, I want to make it very clear that I am against Round-Up, and had a really big fight with DH because he sprayed the stuff all through the garden last spring.

That being said... I went on a mission to find anything on line about Round-Up not being so safe, and this study was the one that has been repeatedly held up as the basis of Round-Up not being safe and I believe that the study is flawed. There needs to be more studies into it, but they need to be realistic. There are a lot of chemicals used commonly that I am sure would harm an embryo if they were injected. For example, what if they were to inject chlorine into an embryo? People drink the stuff daily, swim in it, and use it to clean and disinfect. If Round-Up truly does cause that many birth defects, why don't I see them here? Round-Up has been sprayed for years in North Dakota. Not only to kill weeds, but also sprayed onto wheat fields if the field isn't drying evenly.

In the end the one thing that convinced DH to quit spraying everything with the stuff (besides having to deal with the wrath of the wife) was the 2003 Danish ban because the stuff wasn't breaking down in the soil as they thought it would and was filtering through the ground to contaminate water supplies.

I would love to see better studies!

When did this country decide that artificial chemicals are better!? I am always bumfuzzled by people who have the attitude that it's not clean without bleach. i only use bleach on very rare occasions when there is a risk of contamination from a serious disease.Back when I did wildlife rescue and rehabilitation I only bleached cages when there was a risk of rabies. There was also a rash of wild ground birds being born with sever deformities. It was a consensuses around the rehabbers around here that the hatchings with deformities occurred the most around industrial farming fields.
My step dad doesn't understand why I have a fit when there is chemicals other than things that break down naturally in the environment (vinegar, baking soda, quinoa based soaps, hand made cold process soaps) But I am suspicious of using anything you can't eat. And i certainly don't trust the government nor the big companies to tell me what's safe, they are only interested in what is profitable.
I think about this often... Even with eggs.. Say you have two chickens that eat the same amount, one lays an egg every day (Hybrid), the other every other day (Heritage).

I bet anything the heritage birds egg has more nutrition in it...

My spouse and I went for our "valentines day" meal.. We went to lunch at a new little organic/natural/vegetarian/raw food joint. We had moderate size proportions, of extremely nutritious foods... We were both still full and satisfied when dinner time rolled around this evening... (Did not even need to eat.)

My point is an hour after you consume the empty calories in say a fast food hamburger and fry's you are hungry again... REAL food stays with you for some time...

Same thing you are noting vfem!

(By the way ruminants such as cows should not be eating corn... They are not designed for it... They are meant to eat grass only..


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