Sign Petition to stop GMO Alfalfa from entering circulation

You'd need to bring them to avain vet for them to really tell you if its from their food. You know what I'm saying? Maybe its just not coming out well.

I understand what you're trying to say. but I think if an animal is only getting 10% of the nutrition in a food, it wouldn't take long to notice serious issues, when reality is most feed commercial pellets that contain GMO grain, and yet the birds are all healthy.

That's why I'd like to actually see the studies, because I've never even heard the theory until now​
I understand what you're trying to say. but I think if an animal is only getting 10% of the nutrition in a food, it wouldn't take long to notice serious issues, when reality is most feed commercial pellets that contain GMO grain, and yet the birds are all healthy.

That's why I'd like to actually see the studies, because I've never even heard the theory until now

Where's wifezilla... I think she's the one who posted on the SS forum with the link, and I sure can't find the thread again.
Too much time on BYC and TEG to nagivate around there too!
I understand what you're trying to say. but I think if an animal is only getting 10% of the nutrition in a food, it wouldn't take long to notice serious issues, when reality is most feed commercial pellets that contain GMO grain, and yet the birds are all healthy.

That's why I'd like to actually see the studies, because I've never even heard the theory until now

Sorry I should've been clear - in my books the 10% refers 1. to humans and 2. specifically to vitamins but refers to processed and GMO foods as being similarly lacking in absorption rates - but I don't recall the actual rate of absorption because I don't think enough studies were done into it at the time of my book's publishing.
Capitalism is just thing, it can be used for good or bad. In the wrong hands it is a Dictatorship in many ways, and apparently it is in the wrong hands and has been for a long time. The worng hands are just powerful enough to catch all our attention now.
DDT had been banned in this country for close to 40 years (1972) , so it doesn't matter if they are resistant to it

Indeed... We live on a planet not a country... One needs to consider things on a global scale these days... DDT was gone from here in the 70's but not other parts of the world... So now we fell the effects... Just as many countries that have banned GMO's will feel the effects of our continued use..

If I recall.. everyone said DDT was "safe" at the time... Till we almost lost all our birds of prey...

How many pounds of corn does it make to make high fructose corn syrup?
If we were to eat the corn instead of the highly refined byproduct the average american would be eating a mountain of corn each day!
... That and the many soy byproducts seem to be added to say 80% of the food on the grocery store shelf...

I contend we are forced to eat massive amounts of GMO corn and soy.. Heck read a can of water packed tuna.. The second ingredient is SOY!!!!!!!!!!!! In tuna??

The banning of DDT killed many children. Remember that, please!

Also, I'm not for GM foods by any means but I''m not going to have a fit. Americans still feed the most people, and most people who live here aren't starving.
How many pounds of corn does it make to make high fructose corn syrup?
If we were to eat the corn instead of the highly refined byproduct the average american would be eating a mountain of corn each day!
... That and the many soy byproducts seem to be added to say 80% of the food on the grocery store shelf...

I contend we are forced to eat massive amounts of GMO corn and soy.. Heck read a can of water packed tuna.. The second ingredient is SOY!!!!!!!!!!!! In tuna??


Why is there soy in my tuna?!!? what the heck?!!? why can't the tuna just be tuna and water? why does there need to be "vegetable broth"? now i'm worried that it might have wheat in it!

Actually, on that I'll have to respectfully disagree, and agree with others. We, as a general populace, may appear to be healthy (by healthy i mean not starving, obviously the fact that we are one of the fattest countries in the world would contradict the "healthy" aspect) but in fact we are not. Having large people does not make us healthy, it means we are eating excess amounts of food to try and get the same amount of nutrition into our systems. No, I don't have any reports immediately to hand, but i'm sure you can search any medical journal and find articles on the subject. Whether or not GMO plays a role in this remains to be seen, but it is proven that food that is made in a factory is in fact less healthy (or having totally no health benefits at all, twinkie anyone?) than food grown in the fields, or raised on a farm.

Personally, I'm starting to think I'll do more to grow my own foods from seeds I believe are currently "safe", raise my own meat, and if I want fish I'll go to the local river or lake and catch some and gut it and toss it in the freezer
we have three cans of tuna that have been on the shelf for several months now, I think we'll just "waste" those on the outdoor cats that hang around.

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