Silky hatch-along and OdoBan on eggs experiment

Jack/ Jill
Shining Rise And Shine GIF
They aren't in those bags yet. Lockdown, for most of us, is considered to be the last three days before hatch day. At that point, we remove or unplug the auto turning, and under no circumstances open the incubator. Early bird eggs could pip so it's to protect them just in case though I've never had one more than 1 day early.

Because silkies can't be sexed until they're around 5 months old, I want to keep 1 buff rooster and 1 or 2 buff hens, and sell the rest of the buffs. If I just grab 3 chicks, odds are I'd pick three roosters lol. So, I'm going to have 4 buffs DNA tested. Blood, feather, or eggshell is what they need. I won't do blood, and they won't have a feather to pluck for a few days at least, so I looked up how to do the eggshell, and these bags were suggested. There are 18 eggs and once they start hatching, I can't open the incubator, so by having 4 eggs, each in their own bag, once it's safe to open the incubator, out they come. I'll mark each chick on the head with a waterbase marker and mark the shell of that chick with the same color. I'll ship the shells to the DNA place, who will email me back what sex each chick is. It's $16 ea.

When I'm ready to do lockdown, that is when I'll put the 4 eggs in those.

Edit: Sorry, I forgot the part about the book. It's so easy as hatching has guidelines/rules, and you just stick to them. It depends what incubator you would buy, and there are tons of threads about that, but you probably already learned what we like. ☺️ If you want to buy a book, I've heard a lot about Gail Damerow's book but in the Learning Center, I found this very thorough article. When you get ready, we could start an email group here or a thread if you want it public, so that someone's with you the whole way.
Thank you ! I will check that book out. The tread would be great. Will let you know when we are ready. Working on the Hubby right now lol 😆
We made it through round one without losing power. I'm ready for it if we do. Fresh gas for the generator if the backup battery runs down. It's almost one down and two to go with this next generation of silkie kids. :)
Do you do candling at all? I sometimes just do at 7 days and then at lockdown. Tomorrow I'll candle these. I'm anxious about the Odoban ones if I killed 'em lol.

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