Silver laced Wyandotte’s 43 weeks not laying?


Jan 8, 2021
Please does anyone actually know when my silver laced Wyandotte’s should start laying my Sussex started at around 33 weeks and nothing from my Wyandotte’, there is too much variations on the web some say 19 weeks, 28 weeks etc etc mine are not laying and not crouching down either like my Sussex chickies when I go to pat them, is 43 weeks too long is there something wrong? These are some pictures of of of them!
1. They are beautiful! I love SLW and just got some of my own a few weeks ago

2. I know they can be slow to mature sometimes. And some chickens in general can just be weird about when they start. Ive got one chicken that didn't start laying until past 60 weeks! At the time I thought she was just a dud. But now she lays almost every day! Just give them time, they will start eventually.
Wyandottes in general mature slowly. My golden Laced Wyandotte started laying at 40 weeks. Your's looks young and there comb aren't bright red as mine. Be patient they'll start laying.

As a side note they don't lay consistently, there egg color is slighty darker tan color.

Last week I been outside watching the chickens, the Wyandotte was on a slope in my yard and froze standing upright. I knew she was gonna drop an egg. I ran over there and cupped my hand under her backside and caught the egg. She sometimes drops an egg from her roost also. Good thing my other chickens aren't following her lead, she's the top hen.
My SLWs all came from TSC, which localy, means Hoovers. None were "early" layers, all were quite middle of the road (and not nearly so crisply marked as your own beautiful birds. 26-28 weeks was my experience. One was 31 weeks, though all were bought together, same day, assumedly same hatching.

My SLW eggs are medium, every other day, and have a slightly pink cast in certain light. They are otherwise beige, I guess. (forgive me, apart from the additions of "light" and "dark", I barely made it past an 8 color box of crayons. Pink and beige are already a reach for me).

If she seems otherwise healthy, I'd not worry, look for hidden nests if you range them, and not use it as part of any breed project you have planned for egg layers.
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One another note regarding their slow maturity, they don't really have their mature feathers at the same time as others either. My Golden laced looked like poop at 20 weeks but now she's like 8 months old and looks GORGEOUS! She has totally filled out to the shape closer to an orpington (instead of the more skinny, taller bird she used to be). And her feathers are just remarkable, the lacing is just perfect, and the gold/amber color glows. So if you aren't as happy with their feathers as you wanted when they start laying, dont worry they still have plenty of time. I know a breeder who says his birds feathers aren't mature until a year old! however, the pictures of yours are already INCREDIBLE so you probably aren't worrying about it like I did 😂.
1. They are beautiful! I love SLW and just got some of my own a few weeks ago

2. I know they can be slow to mature sometimes. And some chickens in general can just be weird about when they start. Ive got one chicken that didn't start laying until past 60 weeks! At the time I thought she was just a dud. But now she lays almost every day! Just give them time, they will start eventually.
Thank you for your reply much appreciated xx
My SLWs all came from TSC, which localy, means Hoovers. None were "early" layers, all were quite middle of the road (and not nearly so crisply marked as your own beautiful birds. 26-28 weeks was my experience. One was 31 weeks, though all were bought together, same day, assumedly same hatching.

My SLW eggs are medium, every other day, and have a slightly pink cast in certain light. They are otherwise beige, I guess. (forgive me, apart from the additions of "light" and "dark", I barely made it past an 8 color box of crayons. Pink and beige are already a reach for me).

If she seems otherwise healthy, I'd not worry, look for hidden nests if you range them, and not use it as part of any breed project you have planned for egg layers.
No hidden eggs they don’t free range only two of my girls are laying the Sussex both laid at around 33 weeks
Never had SLW, but my GLW, Columbian Wyandottes & Blue Wyandottes all laid between 20 & 24 weeks, no different than any other breed I've had. They came from numerous hatcheries. Just curious, but how do you know the SLW aren't laying?
Zero eggs from them yet! Only have two mature Sussex started laying around 33 weeks! They don’t free range!

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