Sit'n on the porch

When I had PT for my broken wrist, the therapist told me about a couple he knew. They had both been widowed, and this was their second marriage, and they were in their 60s. Not old, but had some life experience, as I say. He was losing his hearing, and she told my therapist, "This isn't what I signed up for when I married him!"

Call me dumbfounded. Lady, what part of "for better or worse, in sickness and in health" did you not understand?

I told my therapist to suggest to her that they both learn Morse Code, as that would be as easy or easier than the maual alphabet. Then they could sit next to each other and tap out messages. Tell each other your life story. Or dirty jokes. Or what they think of that other lady's ridiculous outfit. Or what they dreamed last night. Use this as a way to get closer together, not farther apart.

Take him to a hearing specialist for hearing aids.
Nice cloudy morning! It’s the first day of school and I can’t help but feel sorry for the kids. I have sourdough I put together last night. I just gave it the first stretch and fold. It isn’t quite the activity list that Grandma posts. :frow Have a great day everyone!
Oh it has been a wonderfully cool day , I confess , I have been so sleepy, I just can’t stay awake,, all day,, I must need B12–
Well,,,, let’s see nope! I did not do anything at all today,, we’ll kind of, walked the trash can down the road to the pavement, , I did the dishes, raked the chicken run, filled the feeders, did some reading, took a nice epson salt bath, ,, I just needed a rest.
We had a little rain last night and some thunder, it’s been in the 60’s ,
Just a very sleepy day, I really needed a rest. I think if we don’t listen/pay attention to our bodies we end up over doing and get sick.

Have a great night and sleep well
Oh it has been a wonderfully cool day , I confess , I have been so sleepy, I just can’t stay awake,, all day,, I must need B12–
Well,,,, let’s see nope! I did not do anything at all today,, we’ll kind of, walked the trash can down the road to the pavement, , I did the dishes, raked the chicken run, filled the feeders, did some reading, took a nice epson salt bath, ,, I just needed a rest.
We had a little rain last night and some thunder, it’s been in the 60’s ,
Just a very sleepy day, I really needed a rest. I think if we don’t listen/pay attention to our bodies we end up over doing and get sick.

Have a great night and sleep well
Good for you!!!
Nice cloudy morning! It’s the first day of school and I can’t help but feel sorry for the kids. I have sourdough I put together last night. I just gave it the first stretch and fold. It isn’t quite the activity list that Grandma posts. :frow Have a great day everyone!

No one posts an activity like Grandma posts.

It makes me tired just to read her list.

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