So I’ve decided to get ducks.

How much square footage is needed per duck in a duck house? (Will be building my own out of pallets)

Personally I think 6 sq ft per duck. Pekin males get really big so I would add 8 to 10 sq ft for him.

Will my pond be suitable instead of a pool?

As long as it is large enough and/or has good filtration.

Will I have to heard them into the house at night? (Have to do it with my latest batch of chickens; they’re a tad special)

Probably. Some ducks will want to stay outside. Others will be happy to go in one is starting to get dark.

How big are the eggs compared to a Rhode Island Reds?

View attachment 1681379

What is the drake to duck ratio?

Atleast 1:4

I am getting hatchery ducklings; how long until they can swim?

I usually do supervised swims at 2 weeks, but some people let them swim right away.
How about a muscovy egg?
I'm adding two Pekin ducklings to my flock of 3 ducks soon. They are honestly amazing animals, my favorite breed are Pekins. I used to have two, both passed but getting more this year. .

I would say for space at least 8-10 square feet of run space, and at least 3-4 square feet for the coop. Ducks do just fine on a pond, they we are extra happy lol.
For my ducks, they automatically go in when it's dark because they know when it is time for bed. They like to do things at the same time every night lol.

For the ratio keep at least 1 drake to every 5 females. If keeping more ducks and plan to own more drakes. 1 drake per every 10-12 females and if multiple drakes are housed in the same pen. For my ducklings, I let them swim as early as a few days as long as they are in a small, few inches deep, warm water bath for about 2-3 minutes. Then dry them off until they are no longer wet, let them go back under their heat lamps soon as they are dry!
How about a muscovy egg?
I do let my ducklings swim for a few minutes in warm water and constant supervision. They are weak and fragile and can easily drown. Also, you are duck papa so you have to make sure they are totally dry before putting them away. When it’s warm enough for them to go out I keep them in run like chickens for a week or so. Also, lock them in the coop at night. I spaced the boards far enough to see through but not for predator hands to reach in. The north facing wall is solid. I love mine, I have a mixed flock of pekin, Cayuga, khaki Campbell, crested mallard, and crested blue Swedish, and one Cayuga drake. They get such a bad rap for messiness. They are way bigger than chickens so their poop is bigger. They drink way more water so they go more often. But they are so smart and goofy it’s worth some more clean up. I use straw in their coop and enclosure. Pine or anything else immediately turns into mush. About once a month I take it my compost and replace with new. Plus it’s $5 at tsc. Have fun! Spend lots of time with them and gently hold them and sweet talk them. :)
Also, ducks need to have a water source available that they can dip their beak into past their nostrils to drink. Even the tiny baby ducks.
What size pond? Anything living in it? The natural filtration of the plants will potentially need a boost when you add ducks in, if the pond is kinda small.
Also, ducks need to have a water source available that they can dip their beak into past their nostrils to drink. Even the tiny baby ducks.
What size pond? Anything living in it? The natural filtration of the plants will potentially need a boost when you add ducks in, if the pond is kinda small.

My pond is 150k gallons.

Ducks! :th
Next come goats!
Then pony’s.
What have you done!:ya

I plan on goats next year :lau

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