So I’ve decided to get ducks.

So I got 4 Pekins today since rural king had them!

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I plan on getting 5 pekin ducks and a pekin drake this year and need advice. I’ve raised chickens myself for 10 years and have had them my entire life but I am totally new to ducks. I know they need niacin but I have other questions!

How much square footage is needed per duck in a duck house? (Will be building my own out of pallets)

Will my pond be suitable instead of a pool?

Will I have to heard them into the house at night? (Have to do it with my latest batch of chickens; they’re a tad special)

How big are the eggs compared to a Rhode Island Reds?

What is the drake to duck ratio?

I am getting hatchery ducklings; how long until they can swim?
So happy you decited to get ducks! They are so much fun! Here to answer your Q's:
1. The minimum would be 4 sq feet per duck. Maximum would be 8 sq feet per duck.
2. Ponds are great for ducks(even better then a pool :) )
3. Best to train them to come when call by shaking a can with treats in it and calling them(using the same bucket, treats, and calling words every time). You might have to do some herding at first to get them used to calling. Some people just feed there ducks at night instead of doing treats so that when they get hungry and then come in for dinner at night.
4. Not sure compared to RIR but do know that 1 duck eggs is equal to 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 chicken eggs....might not be right on that tho.
5. I have 3 females to 1 male but I would probably suggest 4 females to 1 male.
Hope all this helps!

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