Somewhat personal question for parents...

I think you are doing a great job. And no, 2 is definately not to young. Consistency is important. As is creativity. My daughther had friends that are constanly grounded. I have never done grounding as a punishment, as I feel it punishes me more than my kids. I am the one who has to stay home and supervise and that is just not possible as I have to work.
And I don't understand why they are grounded all the time. To me that just means the punishment is not working. I would change it. That is what I would do if my kids kept getting in trouble.

I am just thankful that my kids have always been very good and respectful. I think it because I started them early in discipline.

(Oh, and I too spanked my kids. But as soon as I could reason with them, I think they were about 4or 5, I no longer spanked them)
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That is exactly the kind of parent and aunt I am. Everyone in my house must behave, I don't care who they are. I start disciplining as soon as they learn the word NO. I don't spank them at that age or put them in time out but I remove them from the no object or take the no object from them. It is not just kids who need a little discipline and respect I know a few adults who could use some. It is about respect and self control and it is never too early or late to learn that.

Oh and if you follow through with the 1..2...3 thing it really works. lol

I had to add on a funny note, the other day I was doing the 1...2.... and then my son said three with a giant smile on his face. Hes only 20 months old, so it was really cute. I'm a firm believer in spanking, but only when not angry. I was spanked as a child and love my mom dearly. IMO it teaches respect and that is what a lot of kid these days lack.
I think you are absolutely doing the right thing. If your kid is responding well to the discipline, it's definately appropriate. Kids of any age need boundaries, whether it's walls as a babe or time outs as a two year old.

On spanking: I think spanking can be used in a reasonable way, but as a last resort, and with an explanation. But you don't want to teach that hitting is OK. Spanking can also be abusive if overused. I witnessed one mother spanking her kids right and left and she was was going crazy because they were trying to get as far away from her as possible to avoid spanking. Though discipline is necessary, too much discipline can also lead to bad behavior, if the child feels it's unfair and they are unheard.
I think your 2 year old is probably smarter than the average 2yo, but discipline ought to start the minute your child exhibits a knowledge of the difference between right and wrong.
No, he was too big for me to handle that way. He was so shocked when I slapped him hard across the face!
He told me he was going to call DSS (Dept. of Social Services) and report me for child abuse. I told him go right ahead, I'll go upstairs and pack his bags for him, and I hoped he was going to enjoy his new foster home in Brockton. He shut right up - and never dropped that bomb on me again.

I didn't make it a habit of hitting my children, as a matter of fact, I barely ever had to lay a hand on him until that point. He was my oldest. The younger one got it a bit more, then again, he constantly defied death

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