South Carolina

I know! The rain is messing up my painting too. Looks like it might clear up and I hope the coop will dry so I can finish. I'm only half done on the green coop and then I need to paint the other pink. I'm getting the third one this afternoon. Hoped to have them done by tonight. Come on, Sun!
Any of my family and friends will tell you in a heartbeat that I have NO patience, but in this case I'll make an exception!!
Do you have a picture of them? If not, what colors are they? How old are they? Are they laying blue, green, or both? AND how much are you asking for them?

Sorry for playing 20 questions.
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Every time I want to paint it rains!

I have a beautiful teal color to paint my Silkie/Cochin shed and just can't get to it for the weather! I know soon I will complain of the hot, dry days but right now it is cool and pleasant. And I want to finish painting everything!

I am going to paint the duck coop wooden crates a baby blue. I haven't the foggiest what to paint the banty coops but I haven't used purple yet so I am sure that is one color I will use.
And DH informed me the other day that my red contraption is very faded and it needs another coat of barn red on it. Hmmmm, sounds like he is offering to do it to me!
It has only been about 3 years since I built it.
They remind me of playhouses. My grandmother still has my 1st playhouse. It's 30+ yrs old. I'd love to have it since my dad built it and he has since passed away. But, it's not n the best of shape and I'd b afraid to move it.

They are playhouses. I had them convert them to coops. I wanted something cute. How fun would it be to have your old playhouse! I wonder if someone could shore it up where it is so it could be moved. That would be so special!

A family friend has a rollback and says they would move it for me, but at 30 yrs old, I don't think it would survive a move ;(
I am liking the rain-saves me from watering the plants. I think I am going to be leveling my empty corn mounds once the rain quits and starting those over. However that should mean that the corn wont all ripen at the same time. . .some of my tomato plants are flowering. Silly things, they are still too little to hold anything. . .

Hubby is out of town until this evening getting a car part- So I wasn't going to be able to get anything done-
Joycats wrote:

If you can give me a couple of weeks, I will actually be coming to Columbia and I'd be glad to bring them. I've promised my son a trip to Riverbanks Zoo and Gardens and we're trying to plan a time to do that before it gets too hot. So .... how patient are you? smile

I can be very patient....just let me know when and I will try and make it work! In fact in a couple weeks DH will be in Rhode Island for business so I could sneak them in and he would not even notice
No honestly, I can wait!​

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