Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

Continuing printer problems. But I did NOT let the nonsense prevent me from finishing all my letters. I fought the printer and I WON! Tomorrow they all go to the post office.

Tonight at dinner we ran into the gym teacher from my old school. After hearing about what it's like at the school now, I am SO glad I'm not going back.
Good morning Up before the chickens....
I got a Little Tykes cabin yesterday. It couldn't fit in Loretta's truck whole so we had to take it apart. The disassembling was a real pain in the butt in the heat. It was worth it . It looks great in the run. I found it on craigslist. I'll have to get pictures.

Suzanne it is all going to work out for the best for you. I just know it .

Haven't a clue as to what I'm doing this weekend . Hope everyone has a nice relaxing one , or productive one if that is the case.
Continuing printer problems. But I did NOT let the nonsense prevent me from finishing all my letters. I fought the printer and I WON! Tomorrow they all go to the post office.

Tonight at dinner we ran into the gym teacher from my old school. After hearing about what it's like at the school now, I am SO glad I'm not going back.
I frequently yell out, "It's 2012, why does printing still SUCK!:!@*#)*!!" at home. I don't know how they can make a tablet computer that has 10x the operating capacity of the best computer from 1985 but the printers are still a horrible, crappy experience.

I'm glad to hear that the grass is greener on your side of the fence. See how everything works out in the end? So glad you're not going back either. What's going on with the new school you were interviewing for? Did they get their funding?

We are NOT going to the fair today, thanks to a tornado warning. Fun weather today. Which is ok since truth be told I wasn't feelign up to the drive anyway. Someone had a bit too much to eat and drink last night at her birthday party, but it was worth it, worth it, worth it. We had a few friends to the Blue Hills at Stone Barns restaurant in Briarcliff, so gorgeous and everything was just picked and absolute perfection. I nearly cried tears of joy at the veggie plate, it was so beautiful. Plus they didn't serve any chicken which was probably just as well since we visit the chickens every time I bring the kids there.
I frequently yell out, "It's 2012, why does printing still SUCK!:!@*#)*!!" at home. I don't know how they can make a tablet computer that has 10x the operating capacity of the best computer from 1985 but the printers are still a horrible, crappy experience.

I'm glad to hear that the grass is greener on your side of the fence. See how everything works out in the end? So glad you're not going back either. What's going on with the new school you were interviewing for? Did they get their funding?

We are NOT going to the fair today, thanks to a tornado warning. Fun weather today. Which is ok since truth be told I wasn't feelign up to the drive anyway. Someone had a bit too much to eat and drink last night at her birthday party, but it was worth it, worth it, worth it. We had a few friends to the Blue Hills at Stone Barns restaurant in Briarcliff, so gorgeous and everything was just picked and absolute perfection. I nearly cried tears of joy at the veggie plate, it was so beautiful. Plus they didn't serve any chicken which was probably just as well since we visit the chickens every time I bring the kids there.

I had to laugh out loud when I read what you wrote about printing at home. That's exactly what I said to Bobby last night. Someone needs to focus some high tech attention on printers. Helllloooo, Mr. Gates!

We went out to a new Mexican restaurant that opened near us. I love Mexican food, but Bobby's not a fan. He found a dish he really liked and he like the restaurant too, so it's a keeper.

It's the perfect storm of chicken ownership. My neighbor mentioned to Laura that "the chickens seem noisier lately." She said he wasn't complaining, just stating it as a matter of fact. But add that to the fact that Leon just officially crowed.

I'm screwed. I need to find a home for Leon, his hatchmate, and possibly Agatha, who is a bad combination of noisy and underproductive.

Please, does anyone have any recommendations???? PM me with details.

It's the perfect storm of chicken ownership. My neighbor mentioned to Laura that "the chickens seem noisier lately." She said he wasn't complaining, just stating it as a matter of fact. But add that to the fact that Leon just officially crowed.

I'm screwed. I need to find a home for Leon, his hatchmate, and possibly Agatha, who is a bad combination of noisy and underproductive.

Please, does anyone have any recommendations???? PM me with details.
Craig's list and just screen your people as best you can.Ask for a donation as it keeps away the creepies usually.Then if you find someone really cool you'll relieve yourself from the stress.
Soon as someone mentions "noisy" whether complaining or not it's a sign they are noticing.LOL And we all know where that lands us.
Someone mentioned growing moss earlier and I am!
My dh had to march in the parade today and it downpoured. He was smart enough to bring a small umbrella and all the guys were actually jealous cause they knew in this humidity they'd never dry off.
Now here comes the sunshine and more heat....ugh......

It's the perfect storm of chicken ownership. My neighbor mentioned to Laura that "the chickens seem noisier lately." She said he wasn't complaining, just stating it as a matter of fact. But add that to the fact that Leon just officially crowed.

I'm screwed. I need to find a home for Leon, his hatchmate, and possibly Agatha, who is a bad combination of noisy and underproductive.

Please, does anyone have any recommendations???? PM me with details.
If I were in your shoes, I would go see your neighbor (or call him). Let him know that some of your birds have unexpectedly turned out to be boys and that you are going to rehome them. Also say something like "i'm sorry if they have been talking a bit loudly"... and thank him very much for his patience while you are seeking a new home. If you let him know that you are on top of this...and thank him also for his understanding that it may take a few days...I'll bet he will be pleasant about this. Bringing him some eggs as a gift would be a nice gesture. By reaching out to him, it will let him know that you are being thoughtful...and it may take the worry off your shoulders while you search for a new home. (cant figure out how to PM via my phone) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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