
Somebody must have forgotten to tell our cowherd that corn and soybeans are "crap". After we bring them home from summer pasture we pasture them on the harvested corn and bean fields where they happily graze on the crop residue including grain that's been left behind by the combine.
Lazy J Farms Feed & Hay :

Your OPINION that both corn and soybeans are "crap" can not be supported in the litrrature of livestock nutrition.

I do not care what you eat or what you feed your birds. That is your choice. I do care that accurate information is used, though.

Accurate information is often in short supply here.​
I too love fermented soy products Miso and Tofu and the occasional bowl full of steamed and lightly salted Edamame...

The debate or concern is centered around high doses of non fermented soy. The diets of many Americans involves many highly processed foods which contain non fermented soy. We are getting the majority of soy from foods we have no idea it is in. Like hot dogs, yogurt, bread, pasta and so on.

Americans are using soy in a quantity and ways never seen in soys long 5000 year history as food in Asian cultures.

Know, to the OP
Yep, sounds like you are on the right track, it sounds like DigitS got you steered in the right direction....Many beans contain an anti nutrient until heated. You can feed them raw, but you will not be getting the maximum nutrition out of them. As you can see your question opened up the "can of beans"....

Some folks are apposed to Genetically modified crops and the whole idea of patented seed stock, some folks have health concerns about high doses of soy for extended periods of time and the links to hormonal effects. (Which are not removed by heating.) Those of us that have concerns try to avoid soy in our diets as well as in our livestocks diets.

Me personally, I made the switch back to field peas. No issues no debate, no anti nutrients... It ruled the legume roost for most of our countries agricultural history...

Hi Katy....

Yep, letting the cows clean up the fields after harvest is a great thing! Fully utilize the resource, and add a bit of fertilizer too boot!

Just so folks do not get any bright ideas, we should remind them that letting those same cattle out on a young unharvested bean field or a clover or alfalfa field (anything too high in protein for that matter.) WOULD NOT be a good idea. Those cattle will be very happy grazing UNTIL they bloat and you start loosing your heard.

Happiness eating does not always = Healthy eating ......... This applies to humans and cows alike..

Oh Katy:
Come on over to this thread on the egg recall.. I bet your going to love my take on that one... I would be very interested in the view point of one who is supportive of the industrial agricultural model that is in place..

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ON wrote:
Hi Katy....
Yep, letting the cows clean up the fields after harvest is a great thing! Fully utilize the resource, and add a bit of fertilizer too boot!

Just so folks do not get any bright ideas, we should remind them that letting those same cattle out on a young unharvested bean field or a clover or alfalfa field (anything too high in protein for that matter.) WOULD NOT be a good idea. Those cattle will be very happy grazing UNTIL they bloat and you start loosing your heard.

Don't think I ever advocated doing that. After it freezes tho an alfalfa field can be grazed without them bloating.​
Don't think I ever advocated doing that. After it freezes tho an alfalfa field can be grazed without them bloating.

I did not say you did.. Just got me thinking that one can not let cattle go on too rich of fodder. I wonder what the freeze changes? Enzymes in the alfalfa? I remember after the corn was down in late fall after frost we would let the cattle have at the alfalfa fields and corn fields..
They had a field day......

I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for all the info and opinions. I had not meant my question to cause so much tension, but I AM grateful to have opinions from both sides of the fence. I have decided NOT to let my chickens have any soybeans until I know for sure it is the okay thing to do. Thanks again.
It is OK if you cook them as DigitS had said..
They are the standard ingredient in commercial feed.

If you choose to feed them your birds will be fine.. If you choose not to feed them for what ever your personal reasons.. Rest assured you are not alone on that decision.

Be well
"Asians have used Soy as a protein source for generations & they seem to be doing ok."

Beside soybeans Asians have been eating ants, roaches, snakes dogs and cats and mostly anything which moves for millenia and they they seem to do great.

Sorry, could'nt resist but can anybody deny this?

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