Didn’t know about the lowest of the pecking order picking on chicks the most. I thought my speckled Sussex I had a long time ago was mean to chicks for no reason but now I see why.

They finally have someone to pick on. :) and have the most to lose.

Yup! I think that’s what it is!! They’ve never had someone lower than them before.
Made the mistake of trying to change the cover on the chicks’ heating pad cave.... BIG mistake. Lots of angry “that’s not our mother!!!” chirping! When I put the old cover back on.... they all ran under :lau
That’s hilarious. I plan to make one of those one day but wonder if it will work on bantam chicks. I read that quail are too small for it.
That’s hilarious. I plan to make one of those one day but wonder if it will work on bantam chicks. I read that quail are too small for it.

They are so funny!! They make me laugh every day! Lol and I think it will! You can always pile more shavings or whatever you use for bedding underneath and/or make the cave lower so they can reach it. :)
I think TSC is done with chicks as they have all the stuff gone but the local feed store still has a couple more shipments this week and next week and they just got assorted feather footed breeds in this week and silkies next week and I’m really tempted to get more :hit

Their minimum is only 3 per ship date so a lot more doable than TSC’s minimum of 6.... hmmmmm.... those feather footeds sure are tempting...
Possible breeds


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