Standard bred Sumatras

As pretty as he is, he is not a sumatra. Sorry. As a chick a black sumatra is black with some white/ yellowish fuzz. As it grows it gets black feathers with white flight feathers in the wings. Towards the last molt into late teenagers, they lose the white flight feathers so they are a solid black bird with the green sheen to them. They will also have yellow feet bottoms and a pea comb. Hope this helps you out some.
Thank you I payed a lot for a half dozen eggs and I didn't think this bird was a Sumatra but I'm only 15 and lots of my stuff is limited and the chicken is like 4 months old or 5 but now I'm just mad
Not every seller on ebay is going to cheat you but I too learned
my lesson and I do not buy from ebay. Not every seller of even
sumatras is going to be completely honest about their birds but
many will. The best thing you can do is research about the breed
you are wanting, ask others about the seller you are considering
and be careful. Even with that shipped eggs can suffer from handling
in shipping. Buying local or at least within driving distance is the
best route. We picked up eggs in Oklahoma on our way home from
a trip to California and babied them all the way home two days later.
We finally have home internet again so I can post more! So about the dewlap, on the brahma where it is a requirement on the hens, it says about the neck- medium in length, slightly arched; rather full under throat; hens having a dewlap between wattles. Compare that to sumatras where it just says- rather long, throat full; feathers long. Now, the next similar breed is the cubalaya where it says for the hens necks: rather long and erect.
If sumatras were meant to have a huge dewlap like that splash bird does, wouldn't the standard specify it like it does for the brahmas? I can see having it full but not to the extreme like some birds. As I have said elsewhere, I will always say that sumatras are supposed to be pheasant-like, and a bid dewlap isn't very pheasant like :) Also, it says full so on some males (like one of our older males) they have a full throat that has whatever inside, but it looks full. So many of the sumatras that come from a few of the more famous lines have the dewlap, just a flap of skin that is pointless.

Here is one of our old bantam males that shows what I am talking about. Looking at his throat, it isn't just a flap of skin but it is part of the throat, I am not sure how else to word it.

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