Stolen Horse--Man is BACK in jail!

It may just be in the area there. Suburbs of a major us city. I know he had an alert put on the deed with the county recorder so that no new liens could go against the property. It was a mess. It can be done on any and all property titled in the person's name, but if it is as small town minded where she is dealing then she may have a very hard time, even with a judgement.
I recently had to contact the county clerk here in OKlahoma City because of a hospital lein that was partially faudulent ( long story witch in billing dept.) I was told that anyone can file a lein and it is up to the person the lein is filed againist to prove it is wrong!!!

PS ropo can you PM me the names I misplaced the newspaper article and I can check about the other cases for you.
I'm not sure how it is done or how many methods there are because I didn't have to do it. I'm sure you have to have some sort of documentation/contract, which I did. All I know is, he said "lien" and they gave it up. I have seen it happen too with a judgement being entered against a person for money owed, but there may be several ways to do it, I don't know.
Don't lien would have been for the deposit on a horse, entered against the sale of a person's house if they sold it. But it didn't come to that.
That is great to know, Duckluck. It must have been that your attorney was going to try to say that the horses are their business at the property address. I think it is an awesome idea too if Ropo can make it work for her situation. I bet you guys are right and the horse could be considered business property in a lien. I say, try it and see what happens!
I do not believe a legal judgment is required, liens are also not written in stone and can be contested. In this case another person clearly holds RoPo's property. And is under a restriction to take proper care and not dispose of such property. I would think this is plenty for a lien. The lien would have to be filed with all recorders of title property, this would be the state and the county, I believe most times they are filed at the recorder of deeds, who then notifies the state. From my understanding anybody can file a lien, but also anybody can be held responsible for filing a bogus lien. In her case I do not believe the lien would be bogus, and necessary to protect her property(Max) from further sales or neglect.

That's how it is here. A gal owed me board money once for a horse. I went to the court house and told them I wanted to place a lien on her property. They said, "OK fill this out and sign it. That will be $11 please." Easy as pie.
In Kentucky, they have recently updated their law on Horse Liens. Due, in part, to the economy and folks not paying their boarding bills.

You can actually put a lien on a horse. You are attaching your loss of money to the auction sale price of the horse or horses in question. It's not an attachment to the person's personal property or home or anything like that. However, it is possible for several people to have a lien on the same horse, which can make recouping your losses very difficult.

However, even in KY where horses are big business, putting a lien on a horse is not a very common practice. It's very time consuming and there are various constraints that have to be met to actually do it
Here that is referred to as an agister lien. I put one on a horse once and sent a copy to the registry. The gal didn't pay until she was hard up for money and couldn't sell the horse with the papers because my lien would hold it up. It doesn't pay to try to cheat me. I'm perstant and resourceful and kinda mean.
Here that is referred to as an agister lien. I put one on a horse once and sent a copy to the registry. The gal didn't pay until she was hard up for money and couldn't sell the horse with the papers because my lien would hold it up. It doesn't pay to try to cheat me. I'm perstant and resourceful and kinda mean.

That's the term! Agister Lien. I was just reading in the Thoroughbred Times last week how the law in KY was changed.
Yup, I agree with horsejody. Anybody can put a lien on anything. It is easy to go to the courthouse or where ever they keep records and look up a land owner and to put a lien on it. Easy.

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