Stormcrow's Hobby Farm

What do you have left?
Blueberries, blackberries, two grapes (too early for the third to fruit), asperagus (planted this year, doing great), roses (multiple varieties, obviously not edible), purple passion fruit, oregano (can't kill oregano). Nothing else overwintered. Even my early garden stuff got wiped - artichokes, squish, zuccs, most of my scallion, lost the garlic...
My veggie garden is planted directly in the ground in rows. We got a lot of rain prior to the freeze as well. Our low was 14*. We were below 32* for almost 2 days. My broccoli in the garden was lost. I was surprised the collards and mustard did so well. Definatly saving seed from the collards. It's a very old family pass along.

I lost some stuff in my unheated greenhouse. Mostly tropicals, I have duplicates in the house.

We are USDA zone 8a but seems sometimes we have a week below that in winter.

This was BEFORE it got really cold. and stayed there.

Was not a good year for green growing things.
/Edit I think if I could get something established, it would have a chance - but these $10 root stock bundles from TSC don't have a chance to get comfortable on these grounds and put som mass on before they get absolutely thrashed by Ma Nature.

I'd have to look at the boxes for which cultivars, but they were all selected for low frost hours.

I got almost all my fruit from Isons. Large, vigorous plants that are doing well -- though I think I lost a hazelnut (which came from somewhere else).

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