Got them from TS as we had trouble finding available chicks from local places or even sexed chicks at all. Hoping to get more female chicks before the end of the summer. As for the roosters, we have a few options. Im more concerned with what to do up until that time (such as separation and living situations in the coop) since they are still so young only 5 weeks, and after if we do have a hen it's tough for them to be alone.
Sorry I didn't see your reply somehow it got buried or something.

I feel your pain. We saw chicks around here selling out left and right and got what we could. Turns out not to be the breeds we had planned on or even thought they were when purchasing! Lol but it's crazy times right now.
Also, when I got my chicks last year, I just called around multiple TSC locations until I got lucky. They should be getting new chicks in each week, you'd just have to be prepared to drop what you are doing and drive as soon as they say they got some in. We drove almost an hour for our original Australorps to the next state over lol

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