Strangest/Funniest Places Your Free Range Hens Lay

Well, since I didn't have time to react to take a picture, my black hen totally did not lay a random egg in the middle of my yard. And I totally did not discover it, because my pit bull totally didn't pick it up and bring it to me. There was no look on her face that suggested she was thinking, "Here, I found this, Momma..." I was totally not amazed that her mouth was soft enough to pick up and carry that egg without breaking it.
That vicious pibble is totally not an angel...
'Cause no pictures, didn't happen. :)
What a great thing to have not happen! And a funny post, too ... It's a shame we didn't read it, right?
I don't have pictures, sadly, but once I had two chickens with bad frost bite hanging out in the basement in a refridgerator box until it warmed to above freezing, and then hen (it was a hen and a rooster) decided she needed to lay, and that she didn't like the box I'd provided for that purpose. So she escaped the box (out of a hole that I thought was too small for her) and ran around the basement until she found a little box of shavings (exactly like the one she so shunned in her box) and laid there. I ran down to check on her and she wasn't there, and I was so frantic running around to find her. I just followed the poop trail :lol:
I know they gallant the Hens, but on the NEst?
Sure, if it's a new nest. If the hen has been caught short as they say and has to lay the egg 'immediately!' a good rooster will sit on top of the hen protecting her until she's laid the egg.
The junior roosters get mating points by doing exactly this. It's one of the ways they attract hens away from the senior rooster; they do the escort duties and when the hen calls for an escort back to the group, the junior rooster is already there. After a while, especially if the hen isn't one of the senior roosters favorites, the hen will crouch for the junior rooster and you have a sub group forming.:)
Well, since I didn't have time to react to take a picture, my black hen totally did not lay a random egg in the middle of my yard. And I totally did not discover it, because my pit bull totally didn't pick it up and bring it to me. There was no look on her face that suggested she was thinking, "Here, I found this, Momma..." I was totally not amazed that her mouth was soft enough to pick up and carry that egg without breaking it.
That vicious pibble is totally not an angel...
'Cause no pictures, didn't happen. :)
You painted such a good picture on my mind, I’ll believe it!
Sure, if it's a new nest. If the hen has been caught short as they say and has to lay the egg 'immediately!' a good rooster will sit on top of the hen protecting her until she's laid the egg.
The junior roosters get mating points by doing exactly this. It's one of the ways they attract hens away from the senior rooster; they do the escort duties and when the hen calls for an escort back to the group, the junior rooster is already there. After a while, especially if the hen isn't one of the senior roosters favorites, the hen will crouch for the junior rooster and you have a sub group forming.:)

Of course we have the "Poultery Science", but it appears mostly about improper breed management (Cornishes and those industrial Hens). We need to enaugurate a new College department or Chair in "Cycen Science".

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