Strays with mange


7 Years
Jun 16, 2012
There are three German Shepherd mixes in my garage: a momma, a male puppy, and a female puppy. All three have what appears to be mange. I can't get them to the vet until tomorrow at the soonest. What should I do to keep my own dogs from getting infested with the mites beyond keeping them away from the strays?
strays with mange... ewww yuck! sorry to say but now your going to have to figure out a way to sterilize your garage and anything else that they have come in contact with. around here if a coyote/stray dog gets shot and has mange we build a big fire over the body never once touching it. good luck

I should mention that they did not come purple. We applied blue coat to prevent secondary infection.
whether or not mange is contagious depends on the type of mange they have. Sarcoptic mange can be spread to other dogs but they burrow into the skin and will enventually die off of the host in the environment. Demodectic mange is naturally found in dog hair follicles and causes issues when it grows out of control. That is generally not contagious to other dogs. A vet will be able to do a skin scraping to be sure.

Otherwise, in the case of scabies, keeping the dogs out of the garage for a bit should do the trick once the other dogs are being treated.
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