Summer 2012 Granny "Square" Swap (sign ups closed)

Fires are still active. The closest one to here, about 15 miles away, is out. There are plenty of others around, though, so it's still smokey. Thank you for the thoughts and prayers. There are many people, and even more animals, who are affected and can use all the merit we can offer.

Sunny- I hope you can send the pictures soon. I suspect you put the cable in a "safe" place. Those are the worst. You chicks sound very cute.

Kassaundra- I look forward to seeing your small squares. Your work is so pretty.
I am so sorry to hear that the fires are so bad in the Mt Shasta area. Sending more prayers you way.
They sound adorable!!! I'm sorry you are still having issues posting pics. Hopefully it will be resolved soon. I looked & looked for my charger tonight and couldn't find it. DD said she gave it back to me when she got back from camp and I can't think of what I did with it. It's not in the normal place.
Good luck finding it!

Fires are still active. The closest one to here, about 15 miles away, is out. There are plenty of others around, though, so it's still smokey. Thank you for the thoughts and prayers. There are many people, and even more animals, who are affected and can use all the merit we can offer.

Sunny- I hope you can send the pictures soon. I suspect you put the cable in a "safe" place. Those are the worst. You chicks sound very cute.
Still can't find the cable so I went and bought a card reader. BYC still won't let me upload them and I've made them smaller and smaller! :( Gonna try one more thing before I give up for today and head home.
I think it finally worked! It said that you all can click on the image to get a bigger pic.
These are the dishcloths that Alethea sent. Aren't they cute? :)

Here are a few of the squares I have done (I've gotten quite a few more done but I really didn't think it would let me post them so I didn't bother to get pics of the rest. lol

Not crazy about how this one came out but here it is...

Now that I have figured out a way to show them I will have to get pics of the other "squares" I've finished.

And here are peachick pics...

You can't tell from these pics but they have blue eyes! Something to do with the lack of pigment in the white peachicks. :)
They are pretty did you block them already? They are so square and perfect.

I finished the embroider work on the small squares today. So they are complete.
I think it finally worked! It said that you all can click on the image to get a bigger pic.
These are the dishcloths that Alethea sent. Aren't they cute? :)

Here are a few of the squares I have done (I've gotten quite a few more done but I really didn't think it would let me post them so I didn't bother to get pics of the rest. lol

Not crazy about how this one came out but here it is...

Now that I have figured out a way to show them I will have to get pics of the other "squares" I've finished.

And here are peachick pics...

You can't tell from these pics but they have blue eyes! Something to do with the lack of pigment in the white peachicks. :)
Love you squares!!!! Awwwwwwwww!!! Sweet lil peachick peeps are cute!!! That is so cute that they have blue eyes. Will they stay blue? Thank you so much for posting pics!

Alethea ~ Great dishcloths!!!
What a sweet gift!
OK just tried to click on them and they do not show up any bigger so I will repost if y'all want me to.
I'd love to see them bigger, but you've done yeoman's work getting them posted and I don't want to put you through that again. I'm grateful to see them at all.
The photos are great. Love the dishcloths. I love the blocks also. I've never seen white peacocks before. They are so cute. Would like to have some but would have to build another pen.

Have news! I received a call a few days ago from a friend I used to work with. She said her neighbor had German Shepherd puppies for sale. The mom and dad were on site. My duahgter and I drove 2 hours to see them and I came home with a female that was born June 1. She is black and tan and already weighs 19lbs. I will post pix as soon as I find the time to take some. I named her Sadie and at this point she has one ear up and one down. She goes to the vets tomorrow to start her shots since the guy hadn't started them. So now I have 6 dogs in the house but the big ones are babying Sadie. Harley washes her ears. The big dogs took right to her and she to them. She doesn't act afraid of anything. She looks at my chickens and walks away. She never cried the first night and sleeps at the side of my bed. Yesterday she took her afternoon nap curled up with Nanook, my daughters Rhodesian Ridgeback. She even likes riding in the car and I have her already leash trained as far as walking with it and not fighting it. I have to hide shoes though and my crocheting. When we travel my daughter will care for her.
The photos are great. Love the dishcloths. I love the blocks also. I've never seen white peacocks before. They are so cute. Would like to have some but would have to build another pen.

Have news! I received a call a few days ago from a friend I used to work with. She said her neighbor had German Shepherd puppies for sale. The mom and dad were on site. My duahgter and I drove 2 hours to see them and I came home with a female that was born June 1. She is black and tan and already weighs 19lbs. I will post pix as soon as I find the time to take some. I named her Sadie and at this point she has one ear up and one down. She goes to the vets tomorrow to start her shots since the guy hadn't started them. So now I have 6 dogs in the house but the big ones are babying Sadie. Harley washes her ears. The big dogs took right to her and she to them. She doesn't act afraid of anything. She looks at my chickens and walks away. She never cried the first night and sleeps at the side of my bed. Yesterday she took her afternoon nap curled up with Nanook, my daughters Rhodesian Ridgeback. She even likes riding in the car and I have her already leash trained as far as walking with it and not fighting it. I have to hide shoes though and my crocheting. When we travel my daughter will care for her.

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