Summer 2012 Granny "Square" Swap (sign ups closed)

Hi all, sorry I haven't been around I've had a lot going on the end of my summer. This weekend was spent with my son going to a memorial for a friend I lost in May who fought cancer for 20 years and finally just got tired. We had a concert and dancing next, and it was over all the best time I've spent with my son in ages. Now I concentrate lol, I hope! I go back to work the 26th!
Sunny-That's true that we can always add another round to our squares to get them to go together. Someone did that on the last swap and came up with a beautiful throw.

Smitty-I hope to get together with my friend soon to try to figure out what is wrong with my skype. I'll let you know when it is fixed. Are there chick pics?

We expect a thunderstorm tomorrow. I hope rain comes with it. Here's something weird. I was once on the phone when we had a lightning strike and got shocked. Someone told me it's impossible, but it I know it happened,
It's not impossible to get shocked while on the phone during a storm. That's why they tell you to stay off the phone during a thunderstorm.
I've been scouring my crochet patterns and found some I can modify to fit this swap.

My local wally world doesn't have any of the yarn, the local (15 miles away) had 2, so now I'll have to wait until I go to one of the nearby towns to get the yarn.

I am going to participate and sign up for 2 sets. One of the patterns I'm modifying is really different, can't wait to see it finished, but it will need some of the colors I wasn't able to get yet.
You all are making gorgeous squares/rectangles. I have thirteen 6" squares done and am working on my fourth 12" square. I have a pound of lav bluee and will continue 12" squares with it and then start rectangles until I run out. It should come to a total of about two sets.

I'd be up for a scrap swap.  Just a thought: if all the squares had the outside round the same color, say black, it could be colorful and use up scraps and still come together nicely. Does that make sense to anyone? Isn't it funny? This swap isn't even closed yet and we're thinking about the next. 

Sunny-I'm glad you like the dish cloths.  Have we ever had a dish cloth swap?

I hope all of you and your animals can stay safe and healthy with all the challenging weather. It is lovely here in Mt. Shasta this time of year, but it is a high fire risk place. There was a fire nearby last week, but it was put out quickly.

Dish cloth swap PLEASE LET'S DO!!!!! I would be all over that one.
Hey everybody~

Just wanted to stop by and give a quick hello. I just lost everything I was writing when I flipped over to another page to make sure I wasn't missing a post. Oooops.....

Sunny~ Thanks again for hosting the swap!!!!

Kate~ So glad you had some quality time with your son. I'm trying to snag some quality time w/ DD as well since she just got home from working at camp and will be leaving for college next month. I am so sorry to hear about you losing your friend to cancer.

Betty~ Those squares are gorgeous as always!!!! Wow.. you've been whipping them out fast. I commend you for all the charity work you do. I don't know how you find the time.

Aleathea~ I hope you have a great trip. No rush on the skype. I'm very excited to meet another fellow BYC hooker friend!!!
Your fingers have been flying as well. WOW>>> you've completed so many swaps!!!
That's fantastic and sooo sweet of you to donate them to the swap.
I did try to take a pic of the new hatchlings w/ my cell phone, but the clarity is not good. When I get my camera back from DD and charge it I will take some pics.

Kassaundra~ So glad you've decided to join in the swap fun!!!
Can't wait to see what you've created!!!!

Lynda~ Thanks for stopping by to say hello!
Hello back at ya!!!!!

Ok, I think I'm missing some post. I'll have to go back and re-read to make sure I'm all catch up.

Sunny~ How many participants are we up to now???? I think I have 7 of the 6" squares complete and need to get moving on them again. I started crocheting DD some dishcloths for her to take to college, but still not finished w/ her big ole afghan. LOL!!!

I hope everyone stays cool!!!!!
I am currently participating in a dish towel swap on a facebook page. We are all sending a dish towel to the person that signed up after us on the sign up sheet. I thought it was a grand idea!

Also in a 1 skein mystery swap. After everyone signed up the coordinator emailed everyone with their recipient name and address. I sent my person a message asking a bunch of questions as I had the idea to make her a pair of earrings with crocheted beads but needed to know if her ears were pierced. Thankfully I had about 10 different questions (do you like to wear bracelets, necklaces, are your ears pierced, what is your favorite color and more) because it turned out she is allergic to most earrings so does not wear any. So, I made her a crochet rope bracelet in her favorite color, bright pink.

Some of the other swaps I have seen for future ideas: Earth and Sky Swap (there is an earth and sky by red heart and using turquas and browns), rainbow swap, scrap bonnet (there is a pattern in ravelry called chapeaus afghan at, stained glass (make squares with variegated yarn and add black around when you get them back), halloween (black and orange), holiday (red, green and white), luck of the irish (greens and white), brown cow (all shades of browns, tans), floral garden (all flower squares). I am hosting one on a facebook page that is triangles. I have given participants the pattern and they can do all rows the same color or different and we are using pastels.

Welcome to all the new participants! How many does that take us up to?
I am currently participating in a dish towel swap on a facebook page. We are all sending a dish towel to the person that signed up after us on the sign up sheet. I thought it was a grand idea!

Also in a 1 skein mystery swap. After everyone signed up the coordinator emailed everyone with their recipient name and address. I sent my person a message asking a bunch of questions as I had the idea to make her a pair of earrings with crocheted beads but needed to know if her ears were pierced. Thankfully I had about 10 different questions (do you like to wear bracelets, necklaces, are your ears pierced, what is your favorite color and more) because it turned out she is allergic to most earrings so does not wear any. So, I made her a crochet rope bracelet in her favorite color, bright pink.

Some of the other swaps I have seen for future ideas: Earth and Sky Swap (there is an earth and sky by red heart and using turquas and browns), rainbow swap, scrap bonnet (there is a pattern in ravelry called chapeaus afghan at, stained glass (make squares with variegated yarn and add black around when you get them back), halloween (black and orange), holiday (red, green and white), luck of the irish (greens and white), brown cow (all shades of browns, tans), floral garden (all flower squares). I am hosting one on a facebook page that is triangles. I have given participants the pattern and they can do all rows the same color or different and we are using pastels.

Welcome to all the new participants! How many does that take us up to?
When you do the swap on FB do you do it w/ you friends/family like on your page, or do you start a whole new page?
Hey everyone! So sorry I have not stayed very active commenting and posting lately, but I am still very much excited about this swap. I purchased what yarn I could find at JoAnn's yesterday, but they did not have it all..... so.... back to the drawing board looking for some of the colors :). Anyway, I cannot wait to really get going with this. So excited to be on board and I will (try to) stay more active with commenting and what not. I did find out last week that I will be teaching Art at an elementary school, so I am about to get started working on a crayon blanket. I'm gonna attempt to either hang it on my wall or figure out somewhere in the room to put it. Really excited about everything this year has in store for me. First year teaching! Woohoo! Can't wait.

I will be working on finding more of the colors I need for the swap. I'm not sure what numbers we are up to, but if I need to do 2 sets of squares, I will.... Just let me know!

Talk to yall soon~
I'm putting the squares aside for the moment to make a prayer shawl for a friend who is in surgery today for what is probably breast cancer. The yarn is gorgeous and difficult to work with, so it's all single crochet and should go quickly.

It's great to read about all the different kinds of swaps. What will we come up with after this one?

Kaussandra- I hope you'll post a picture of the "different" squares you're making. I'm keen on the 6" squares I'm doing, because I think they're different, too.

Smitty-We looked at my skype and it seems to be ok. I'll send you my skype address in a pm.

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