Sweetest, favorite chicken killed today by dog

Call a game warden and NOT the local police or troopers as they have no idea about laws governing the killing of livestock. 20 years ago I lost my entire flock (40+ birds) when a stray lab and Doberman decided it would be fun. (I was finding dead chickens by the smell for the next 2 weeks. The troopers did nothing....the game warden said to shoot the dogs and leave them by the road. If the owners showed up to claim them.....call me and he would charge them with a bunch of violations and would be forced to pay restitution. The dogs never came back and I never saw them again.
However I went to all the neighbors telling them I allow hunting on my property but not chicken killing. If any dog came on my property without the owner or harmed my free range flock....they would not need to buy next years dog license.
I have never had any more trouble with domestic dogs for the last 20 years. (Coons, coyotes, bobcats, fox however are a different story)
As for it being illegal in most residential areas to shoot attacking dogs, I believe you are giving out false information, discharging of a firearm in the city limits is generally illegal yes, however discharging a firearm to protect ones self, property, neighbors, etc. generally is not, hence the reason for concealed weapons laws and/or castle laws being passed in every state besides Illinois and they will likely be coming soon there. What good is it to have laws making it legal to go armed to protect yourself from criminals, attacking dogs, whatever, if it is illegal to discharge said weapon in town? There are many documented cases of folks shooting animals or people in residential "city limits" areas in self defense and not being prosecuted for discharging a firearm in town. The no shooting in town ordinances are there to stop people from shooting for the sake of shooting, target practice, shooting squirrels and rabbits out of the garden, etc, not to inhibit one's right to self defense.
It's possible that my information may be incorrect in certain areas, but it's also possible that it is correct. The thing is, every city, town, housing development in "the country", state, province, county or whatever has different laws. We all need to check our local laws before shooting a dog that's killing our chickens. Where I live, I know it's legal and it would happen. A suburban backyard chicken owner may not be able to do so. They need to check their ordinances. We are all responsible for knowing the laws where we live.
I must also add..... MOST ANY ANIMAL will DIG UNDER FENCING. Many will climb OVER it as well. Even a FENCE will NOT keep something out. You really need to think about it and research what it is you wish to keep out. Dog's usually cannot crawl over a high fence, but most will dig to kingdom come when they have their minds made up to. I have come back on this topic and read through more situations and thoughts presented and I agree, it is your responsibility to Keep What is YOURS SAFE. I also, agree that a DOG or any animal that is owned by someone else and if it is a THREAT to a child or livestock or even another animal SHOULD BE CONTAINED BY IT"S OWNER. IF THIS WASN'T DONE..... as much as I dislike doing so or saying this I WOULD SHOOT THE ANIMAL. I LOVE my PETS & FAMILY!!

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