Swelling On Duck's Toe ~ PICTURE ~ URGENT

If using duramycin 10 as haunted 55 suggested is that if bumble is really bad or using with mild bumble ok if so should I put in a waterer just for drinking or can it be used in their bucket they drink and dunk in.
Only use dura 10 if bumble is gone systemic I believe, that's when you bring out the big guns. I'd just clean the foot real good paint with the iodine put to bed. This has been going on for quite a while with Pet Ducks duck and the heat and swelling makes it seem like an antibiotic is needed.
If using duramycin 10 as haunted 55 suggested is that if bumble is really bad or using with mild bumble ok if so should I put in a waterer just for drinking or can it be used in their bucket they drink and dunk in.
With mine, if the bumble is caught early enough, we don't need the oral antibiotics. In this case, the duck is really struggling and has had the problem for weeks in spite of PetDuck working on it.
Thanks guys, you're both absolutely correct. building again today and tomorrow, if Im lucky...these birds are outa here!

If you paint the iodine on and let it dry. the body is already absorbing it. Iodine is something that every living creature needs in one form or another. If allowed to dry and the small amount you'd be painting on their bumbles isn't going to hurt them at all. How much water does your pool hold? If you had 100 ducks being treated this way and all you had was a large kiddie pool...yeah, that might be an issue, lol.

The idea of doing it at night is a good one and what I normally do. This way there is maximum absorbtion over night. The 30 mins to an hour would work as well probably. Just slower. I have a couple that are outside still with their flock mates. They've been snatched and painted and then turned loose again. The only difference I am seeing is the black scab, when taken off, isn't as thick with stuff as the ones who are inside with me. This just means it will take a little longer to heal and get it gone.

When I do this, I let them be for 2-3 days after the painting. Inside ducks or outside, doesn't matter. Once the iodine soaks into the tissue, it is going to kill any infection it can reach, hence the thick black scab. You will need to continue with the painting until the whole thing is gone. Sometimes the birds will pull them off themselves and all you'll find is nice clean skin where the bumble was, other times you'll pull the scab and find nothing beneath it except flat normal skin. Awesome huh?

The antibiotic suggested to Pet Duck was as Miss Lydia and Amiga have said. Where there was heat in the leg and the bumble seemed to be more of an internal thing with out the normal brown scab, I was concerned that it was turning septic and would start affecting the internal body parts and blood. Not cool. Normally, you wouldn't need it because they are a surface infection. Yeah they're in the skin, but if we had a infected splinter we wouldn't run for an antibiotic, we treat it other ways first. Same with these. I hope this helps. I started another thread with these ideas and directions but haven't had the time to finish putting more up on it. I do have something else I am going to be trying as soon as I get these chickens out! I need to try it first before I'll share, as I am not sure just how well it will work and what it might do. Not being a jerk, just don't want to give out bad information that could cause harm to anyones' birds.
Hey guys, Sorry I haven't been responding today and last night. Since 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon yesterday I have been worried about my brother. I had to go with him to the ER last night after he got bit by a dog on a bike ride. I have just been so tired today since we didn't get home until 12:00 o'clock and I didn't get to sleep for another two hours.
Quackers has been doing good today. I'm happy you guys are sorting things out in your lifes!
Hey guys, Sorry I haven't been responding today and last night. Since 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon yesterday I have been worried about my brother. I had to go with him to the ER last night after he got bit by a dog on a bike ride. I have just been so tired today since we didn't get home until 12:00 o'clock and I didn't get to sleep for another two hours.
Quackers has been doing good today. I'm happy you guys are sorting things out in your lifes!
I hope your brother is okay PD, and also very happy to hear Quackers is doing good today.
Thanks guy for all of the help so far. It is also nice to see that everyone one is healing well so what more could I ask for!!!

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