Switching our dog to a homemade diet

Alright, I need some feedback. After reading that article, I took what I liked from each of the rules, so things to add to the diet to add each nutrient. So far I have-
Wild alaskan salmon oil
Other fat sources? Meat?
Occasionally kidney, pancreas, spleen
Sweet Potato

For the percentages of each of these, I have-
12% bone - adults 15% bone - puppies

10% Liver

5% Heart

10 - 20% fat - includes oils in the diet

5% - Kidney, pancreas, spleen

5% - Lung, brain, eyes, sweetbread, green tripe (green tripe only. If the animals is fed corn it will be to rich in omega 6. Grass fed animal)

10% - Organic Vegetation
Alright haha! This of course isn't his recipe, but if I want to include all of those ingredients listed above, do I have to include all of them everyday? Or do I have way more ingredients then I need? I'm assuming I do haha! I just took the suggested ingredients I liked to supply all the nutrients or rules listed in the article.
I know that the nessasry things in there are-
Bony meat
Heat and liver
Heres another link to that article, https://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/raw-feeding-primer/, I'm try gin to gather all the information I can before developing his recipe. :D Surly there are things I need to add/subtract, and plenty of things to adjust. I have lots of time to perfect this! I'm far from knowing exactly what I'm doing haha!
Alright, so I've been reading this article, that was written by a knowledge breeder who has fed raw for 25 years to all the dogs she raises. Its very helpful, but all the numbers are confusing lol! I'm trying to take note of what percent of what is needed in the diet.
I also noticed, that a lot of organ meat is fed mostly for vitamins. So, I guess that means when we have organ meat available, we wont need to feed the multivitamin. There's only so much liver, and organ meat in a deer, so eventually we'll run out. Once we run out, I'm assuming that is were the multivitamin steps in.
Otherwise, I assume you do your 2 hour prep for 2 weeks of raw, then you eyeball 20% of this 15% of that, or 1/3 of the diet is this, etc, etc.
Also knowing that certain meats and raw pieces are more important then others, you want to be more exact there. Am I getting it about right?
When I would prep, at first i was on top of proper ratios to a T. Then as you do it so many times, you remember the round about amount of organs and bones that they need.

The way I would look at it, and this is just personal perspective...

When a wild animal kills another animal, they generally consume everything they can. Which includes muscle meat, brain, bones and all the little organs. Say a rabbit for instance. That whole rabbit if eaten in it’s entirety, has everything that dog would need nutrition wise as a solid meal. So keeping that ratio when making a dogs meal is a good way to gauge it. We as humans also have to remember that carnivores are also scavengers and opportunists. They don’t always get or consume everything to a perfect ratio.

If you feed a whole raw diet, you won’t need added vitamins or supplements. But if you’re feeding just muscle meat, bones and small amounts of organs, you may need to.
When I would prep, at first i was on top of proper ratios to a T. Then as you do it so many times, you remember the round about amount of organs and bones that they need.

The way I would look at it, and this is just personal perspective...

When a wild animal kills another animal, they generally consume everything they can. Which includes muscle meat, brain, bones and all the little organs. Say a rabbit for instance. That whole rabbit if eaten in it’s entirety, has everything that dog would need nutrition wise as a solid meal. So keeping that ratio when making a dogs meal is a good way to gauge it. We as humans also have to remember that carnivores are also scavengers and opportunists. They don’t always get or consume everything to a perfect ratio.

If you feed a whole raw diet, you won’t need added vitamins or supplements. But if you’re feeding just muscle meat, bones and small amounts of organs, you may need to.
Oh, thats a good way of looking at it. So try to prep the meals to the amount an animal would eat in the wild. Thinking of it that way, I can imagine its pretty approximate. So I wont worry about the multivitamin unless I can't get ahold of may organ meat, heart, over ect. Likely I will always be abel to get my hands on that, since butchers, Costco etc, are always wanting to throw that out.
Thank you! I feel way more prepared for this after margin this thread!
What I'm gonna do is turn the percentages to fractions, then, have everything prepped and dis out what looks like about 1/3 or whatever the fraction is per meal. Then as long as I'm close enough to the percent of each nutrient, heart, liver, bone, vegetation, fat, and other organs, I'll be pretty close to a natural wild diet.
I have another question for you @ShannonsChimkens, you said your pup is allergic to everything know to man, did a vet diagnose that for you? Or did you find that out yourself? I would like to know if Comet has any allergies, or if his joints are the issue.
What I'm gonna do is turn the percentages to fractions, then, have everything prepped and dis out what looks like about 1/3 or whatever the fraction is per meal. Then as long as I'm close enough to the percent of each nutrient, heart, liver, bone, vegetation, fat, and other organs, I'll be pretty close to a natural wild diet.
I have another question for you @ShannonsChimkens, you said your pup is allergic to everything know to man, did a vet diagnose that for you? Or did you find that out yourself? I would like to know if Comet has any allergies, or if his joints are the issue.
Sounds like a good plan. How old is comet?
I want you to be aware that raw feeding often involves the dog gorging, regurgitating and then re-ingesting the meal. This is as it was intended, and so I don't want for you to become alarmed the first time you see it.
What I'm gonna do is turn the percentages to fractions, then, have everything prepped and dis out what looks like about 1/3 or whatever the fraction is per meal. Then as long as I'm close enough to the percent of each nutrient, heart, liver, bone, vegetation, fat, and other organs, I'll be pretty close to a natural wild diet.
I have another question for you @ShannonsChimkens, you said your pup is allergic to everything know to man, did a vet diagnose that for you? Or did you find that out yourself? I would like to know if Comet has any allergies, or if his joints are the issue.
We found this out. The vet still hasn’t figured it out. They keep suggesting pills and medications. But due to her being a ginger type dog, everything starts to irritate her. Wetness, grass, pollen. You name it and she’ll start to turn red and itchy. She even has to wear sunscreen lol

We cut out raw chicken for her specifically for a long time. Zero change, so ruled that out. It’s environmental. These wood chips she was frolicking in set her off that day.

He's 5. Also very active. We go on long horse rides everyday that isn't raining, he duck hunts, plays with other dogs, and when he isn't doing any of that, he's begging you to throw the stick haha!
At 5 years old, Comet shouldnt be dealing with joint issues unless he has hereditary/genetic health problems.

I strongly believe that his body is most likely inflamed from kibble. A month or two of raw should turn that around.

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