
that should've been 'pullet /cockeral'. My typing stinks today!

I don't trim anything, and don't bathe or powder mine. They win just fine.

Those early crows are the funniest thing ever. The only thing funnier is hearing a standard breed owner laugh hysterically when they hear a bantam crow that cute little gnome-wheeze of a crow.
I know, I had sone bantam sized Phoenix and when the cockerels started to crow it was hilarious. The gronw roos would crow then theey would. It was like they where in crowing school. My youngster silkies are sparring for dominance so we'll see who turns out to be "big daddy" of the pen. I plan to sseparate them anyway. I have10 rabbits I want gone. They're gonna go in their pens till DH can work on the silkie pen to separate it and put their houses inside for the winter. The pen is attached to the shed and we plan to cut a hole in where their pen is and build an inside area for them big enough for a nest and their food and water to stay dry out of the weather and a heat lamp. The pen will be divided in half and there will be 2 additions inside so they can like I said get out of the weather. And a nice private place to lay eggs this spring. I don't expect them to lay this year. The oldest is just about 6 months and they are a frizzle and a silkie/polish mix. They will have their own pen. I still need a white silkie cockerel but no hurry for that because the pen needs to be divided and I need to rehome those darn raabbits. Two of them are pregnant and should be about to deliver soon. I also have a buff orphington cockerel that needs a new home and a few chicks. So anybody interested PM me. I can't ship by the way.
I have alot of chicks and quail for sale, the last of the season. Chicks are Black Australorps, Delawares, Roade Island reds, Turkens, Buff laced polish, white crested black polish, Ameracanas and a few Welsummers. Chicks are 3 days to 3 weeks old. Less than 20-$2. each, 20 or more $1.50 each, 50 or more $1. each. These are all good quality, healthy, pure chicks. Quail are Buttons and Pharoahs-ages are 3 days old up to breeder age, I have around 5o of these. I am located in Delano, Tn. in Polk Co. Near the Mennonite horse and buggy community.
Hi All! I met a nice lady with her granddaughter at the Farmers' Market Saturday. She's looking for about 6 Cochin chicks. She used to raise them and just loved them for their sweet disposition and now wants some for the little girl. Anybody around the Maryville or surrounding area have any chicks for sale?
I posted on thehatching eggs for sale thread. I have free eggs that I plan to give away for 2 weeks. The deal is I will collect for 3 days and mail on the 4th. There will be 12+ eggs. Here's the link so you can read the details. If your close enough you can just pick them up. I am located in the north west corner of tennessee.


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