
Sorry for your loss.Sounds like a good idea to me..we let the wild animals live on our property until they come down to the house and chickens area then there is no catch and release no live traps just the instant kill..mess with my chickens and die that simple
If you were closer I would give you some eggs..mine are all free ranging right now but all are super layers.
Edited to add the chickens are Barred Rock,Sex link,Buff Rock,FBCM,and a few great layers with a Barred Rock,and Blue Barred Rock guys so chances are several will hatch barred rocks..blue and black.
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Are you picky on what breed you get and would you pay for shipping if I sent you some pity eggs? I have EE hens with silkie roo and a production red in that pen also. They make pretty chickens and the ee/silkies have always came out with black skin and some have had 5 toes. I haven't hatched any of the productions reds eggs since she has been in that pen so I don't know what they would look like but I do have some in my bator now to find out.
I'll let you have all the mutt eggs you want... possibly some of my purebreds (if available at the time) - Bantams and Standards. Breed list if far to long to bore you with now.
When you go for the judging on Monday, do me a favor; see if the judges have the birds brought to them or if they go from cage to cage. Friday's rabbit judging was all done at the front of the barn with two assistants retrieving the rabbits so the judge didn't know which cage they were coming from. I've rarely seen poultry judges staged in a neutral location, they usually walk the aisles themselves. If the winners are registered to exhibitors that had their names on the cage tags and it's the same one or two people racked up all of the prizes, I won't even entertain the idea of entering next year. The judges are supposed to be from Ohio, but I have a sneaking suspicion that a few of those birds will win because of who they belong to, not just on their own merit.

What can I say, I'm a huge conspiracy theorist
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When you go for the judging on Monday, do me a favor; see if the judges have the birds brought to them or if they go from cage to cage. Friday's rabbit judging was all done at the front of the barn with two assistants retrieving the rabbits so the judge didn't know which cage they were coming from. I've rarely seen poultry judges staged in a neutral location, they usually walk the aisles themselves. If the winners are registered to exhibitors that had their names on the cage tags and it's the same one or two people racked up all of the prizes, I won't even entertain the idea of entering next year. The judges are supposed to be from Ohio, but I have a sneaking suspicion that a few of those birds will win because of who they belong to, not just on their own merit.

What can I say, I'm a huge conspiracy theorist

I got you...
The blind bird is near my d'Uccles and silkies and you can bet I
about how pitiful it looked!! I talked to the man doing the testing and he assured me he checked it himself and that it's just blind and not ill, but I was still worried.
If it wins ANYTHING then I will be

I took 12 birds Saturday morning, but exhibitors had until early this morning to coop their birds in. I am hopeful that more d'Uccles got there after me. If not, then only one d'Uccle in the show isn't mine... I entered 8 d'Uccle, 3 silkies, and one showgirl.

In the past, the judges have always gone from cage to cage. It's the thing I like least about the TN Valley show. In Cocke Co, you have #'s and not names on the cage tags. I don't think it makes a real difference, though. The judges know the birds as well as the breeders, so I'm not sure anonymous judging makes much difference.

I won't get to see the results until late this evening. My daughter has jazz band try-outs after her percussion practice, so I can't head to the fair until she's done.
Apparently my sister and her hubby and daughter went yesterday and visited the chickens. My little niece (she is only 2) associates chickens with Auntie NellaBean and kept mentioning it

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