
I want to try quail someday, that and turkeys. and ducks. maybe a goose or 2..10...lol. DH is already window shopping for more land - y'all think 100ac will be enough?

I just bought a Mother Earth News mag, and now I want goats again, and a cow too. I think we're gonna need a bigger barn...
Hello all.

Just wanted to pop in and say I have a bunch of pullets for sale on craigslist. Light brown Leghorns, Exquerier Leghorns, 1 Ancona, 1 Dominique..... lots more.

I hope everyone is doing well. I have been so busy I haven't been stopping in much.

Does anyone have a cabinet 'bator for sale? Anyone have any idea of the best deal on one?
Oooooh oooh ooh, i have been dying for an Exch Leghorn girl! I want her! Me me me me me! Any other leghorns other than brown? What about the ancona? I just sold 6 hens last weekend.....time to get more LOL
I am in Florida but I was wondering how the job market is in TN because I am having no luck trying to find a job in FL would defineately consider moving to TN if there are jobs.
i hope everybody is well this morning we got down to 28 F. my hubby decide that our birds need a heater [45 F set at] in the coop last night but before he did that our water heater [cookie tin thanks hinkjc] work out well. we open the coop door and the chickens ran out and then came back in .
i notice that they do a lot better in temps of 50s. yesterday i got 5 eggs in a day.
stay warm again tonight get back down to 20s
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Everything was frozenwhen i went out this morning....but the chickens dont care. They all came stampeding out as always and were waiting for their treat of scratch.......as always. The younger chicks and broody hens are all in brooders with a lamp, however they are all not much in the way of heat lamps. I have fluorescent bulbs in some and 40 watt bulbs in the others, as they are just meant for light. Its amazing how warm those broody moms can keep the little babies! I have a group who is about 3-4 days old and they were happy as can be with their little momma.
Don't know what kind of work you're looking for but my daughter has been out of work for over a year and still hasn't found a job. She does clerical / admin work. The electrical contractor I worked for before I retired is just now starting to bring back off the workers he had to lay off.
Tn is NOT the state you move to looking for a job. This is a low income state with very few jobs avaible. Heck in the towns around us there are more and more house up for sale than jobs. Nothing selling in the past 2 years. It will not get better till we get past 2012.

Now on another note we had first snow this Saturday. That was early for us to say the least. Wonder if that is a warning for major snow this year?
Does anyone here in TN have any silver laced wyandottes from Foley's or Paul's poultry? Chickens or eggs? Anyone know of anyone else who might have SLW's from Pauls or Foley's?

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