Thanksgiving Hatchalong

Hi guys. I would like to join you for the Thanksgiving HAL. I just finished the Halloween HAL, but I don't think 18 new little chicks is enough. I just sanitized the incubator and plugged it back in. I've got about 60 eggs ready to go in tomorrow or Thursday. Yeah to more baby chickies in three weeks!
13/14 on my first hatch! I'm so excited and proud of myself!

Great job!! They are so cute! Keep us updated with pictures as they grow :)
I use dawn dish soap, then bleach water. Seems to work just fine. What about you?
This was my first time. I used dish soap and then I sprayed it with a homemade essential oils cleaner. hopefully that will work.
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We didn't know exact hatch date on these guys, because my husband collects the eggs and it was about a week after she had started sitting on eggs before he told me when I started wondering which hen wasn't laying. We had to move her because our other hens kept laying eggs in her nest and she couldn't cover them all. She had 18 and 4 had already been lost to getting cold after being pushed out from under her. So I candled them all, took only eggs that seemed about the same stage in development and we made her a nest in the garage. It was gamble to move her so late in her incubation but I thought she may end up with a never ending cycle of fresh eggs under her and no babies hatching out. So I am extremely excited to see at least one baby hatched last night. I am assuming it was the egg I saw that had pipped yesterday morning. I was afraid it was dead because I heard no chirping inside the egg or saw any movement. It must have been resting. Hopefully we will have more hatch out before she leaves the nest to raise babies. 10 more eggs to go. I know there are 11 in the nest, she only had 11. So the chick must have hatched out of one side of it's egg and left the other side intact. I didn't want to disturb her much because I want her to keep sitting on them.

Edit: The little chick in my avatar picture is this mama hen when she was a baby. She was born in February, so this is our first broody hen hatching out babies.
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