That was easier than I thought it would be.


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 12, 2011
Just attempted my first incubation and had 100% 5 for 5 hatch.

I recently bought a hova-bater with egg turner. I have some hatching eggs of various breeds that should be arriving in the next couple weeks. I decided to try a test run with some eggs from my coop, to make sure the temps and humidity were good before putting in the pricey eggs.

I picked out 5 eggs. I have 2 light brahma roosters and several red and white sex link hens, as well as 3 light brahma hens. I picked one brahma egg and 4 others (not sure if white or red hens) (essentially mutt chickens) .

I put them in the incubator, turned it on, and added water about 3 times. Today was day 21. I noticed last night before bed, all 5 eggs had pipped. I woke up this morning and saw 2 had hatched during the night. One more came out just before the kids had to leave for school, and the other 2 came about an hour later. After reading all the stories on here, I was expecting at least one to have problems. When I set these 5 eggs, I was not planning on hatching them. I was going to candle them about 10 days in and see if it was working, and then stop the incubation, as I am not ready for chicks quite yet, and didn't want different age groups. Luckily a lady at church told me she wanted them all, so I let them keep going. After seeing the kids reaction to the hatching, I am glad I did.

Well, hopefully, when I get my hatching eggs, I have similar results.
That's great for first hatch!!! It's easier to have all hatch with your own eggs, (no post office involved). I hope you have 100% with your shipped eggs, most of us aren't so lucky with that.

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