The chicks are 3 & 4 days old today. Can I...?

I have put chicks on shavings right away, and I've also put paper towels over the shavings for a week, when I've only had a few chicks.

Some folks recommend the paper towels so the chicks learn how to eat from their feeder or little plate of chick starter without "getting confused" by the shavings and possibly eating them. They definitely know by the time they are a week old.

I think it's safe for them. Others may not agree.
mine are on chicken sized baby quilts I sewed, and some news paper. I don't have problem with it but it is not the shiney kind. they love their quilts though.
mine are on chicken sized baby quilts I sewed, and some news paper. I don't have problem with it but it is not the shiney kind. they love their quilts though.
Oh wow. How do you keep their quilts clean?!? I had 8 chicks on newspaper, and I had to change it daily bc they were such pigs!!! I let their bedding get a bit dirty so they don't live in pristine conditions and they build up some sort of immunity, but quilts? Lol, somebody's chicks are obviously a lot more spoiled than mine. ;)
in the begining they don't poop as much, plus I have the quilts on a raised bed (cigar box) the hop up when they are tired, and hop off when they want to walk around and eat/poop. they do keep it pretty clean.

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