The way I deal with chicken math is I ask anyone I know with chickens if they want me to hatch them some eggs. Then I get to hatch the eggs, keep the chicks for a few days to a few months and I dont have to keep them forever. When I hatched my own eggs we ended up with 3 incubator chicks and 2 TSC chicks. I though having 9 was quite a few but you have 120 so...
I've finally stopped getting more chickens (for now) but now I have 3 incubators full of duck eggs...
Well, I know how I'm going to deal with chicken math... I'll stick my fingers in my ears and say la-la-la-la, I can't hear you, you cute little chicks!

A nice cold shower works too.
On a different note, I go my first lemon today! My poor pathetic tree finally decided to bloom after three years... I'm not good at growing plants :oops:
I started a flock thread before but no one posted on it so I'm trying again! I love talking about my chickens, I have over 120! I also love hearing about everyone else's flocks so join in! I just bought 8 new chickens and 2 still need names. View attachment 2886709Here's a Self Blue Ameraucana cockerel, any name suggestions? The other is a RIR pullet but she won't hold still for a picture:barnie
The Ameraucana is super sweet! He loves cuddles and scratches and sat in my lap the whole drive home. The RIR on the other hand is a demon. She's already earned a place near the top of the pecking order and even chased my OEGB Rooster around the yard:gig
so cute!

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