The Great Debate: Free-Range vs. Coop-Raised Chickens

Hubby and I are debating this now. Two questions for "total" Free Rangers ..
1- Do you have a predator proof run at all?
2- Do you have someone keep watch when on vacation or leave them free ranging?

We are brand new to flock ownership. We have 7 acres, a good sized coop (12x8) with an automatic door that goes up and down with light. My hubby is of the old school farmer stock of - why do we need a run- they should free range if they are outside not confined and go in the coop at night- natural selection and all. I am of the mindset a bit of - well what about when we go on vacation or can't watch them- shouldn't they have a secure run?

1- No
2- No. I would merely have a friend check on them maybe once every two days. Less if an automatic feeder is set up

My entire land has a perimeter fence and several protected gardens in the interior, along with a further variety of natural and artificial landscaping that provide protection. My chickens have full freedom of movement to choose their difficulty level

My lazy and intelligent birds sit near my house and wait for scraps. My vigorous and brave birds travel far beyond my land and into the wilderness every morning

They all choose where to go and how to live their lives, and so far they're doing absolutely fantastic. I have far more eggs than I know what to do with, and they're constantly out there making babies

Ma'am, there is absolutely zero doubt in my mind, that if all humans vanished off the face of the earth suddenly, that my chickens would still be here and on my land 10,000 years from now

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