The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

I'm sorry to interrupt such beautiful chick pictures. Can anyone identify this snake for me, please? Three cockerels were chasing it and it slithered into the hen house. Took quite a while to get it out.
It's head is a perfect triangle so, off it went. But, I'd still like to know just in case its relatives come for a visit. Thank you. I have a picture of it's head of it's a graphic picture.
Looks like the gray rat snake. Maryhysong's , thank yo7 by the way, link said it will eat birds and bird eggs. But, I'm guessing small birds. The scar part is that they climb trees. Geez...I'm not afraid of snakes, but I don't want them near my chicklets.
Nellie, is that the daddy of my two little chicklets ?


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