The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

RedReiner those are some beautiful blues Love the fat chick.
Tkay your black batams are really purty

Nellie I am loving seeing the pics of that your black split. I would definitely try and get some blacks out of him. His type is really good.
Hey All! Sorry I have taken such a break from posting... Things have been very busy this year, but I have been keeping up with conversations every day.

I thought I would share my new brooder I just had custom built. I am very proud of it! Special thanks to Mr. Charles at Chuck's Woodchuck Shop for designing and building this for me.
The brooder has GQF heating elements that help regulate temperature, pull out trays that catch waste, glass dividers that are removable for custom sizes, lots of storage, and comes apart for easy cleaning! I am very proud of this new brooder, and my chicks are absolutely in heaven!



oh my what a joy that you be to should be proud of it!! Congrats!! Very nice
OMG, miracles everywhere. Thank you marshy song, kiniska, DragonLady, and Renie for educating me. Handy to know stripe vs pattern because most of the time you're having to make a very quick decision.

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Mother's Day.

Also wanted to publicly thank Nellie for my chicks. They have the most amazing type! They are PERFECT. After all the activities and obligations today I will photograph my favorite...Emerald. Thank you, thank you, Nellie!!! Nellie is more than just a breeder. She does everything, and I mean everything, to make the buyer happy. Love you, girl!

Thank you Dee
. I am so hoping they can add a little somthing to your quest
. Please keep me posted with lost of pics as they grow.

Hope you all had a WONDERFUL Mother's day!!! Company has all gone and I am Thanksgiving stuffed (I know you all know the feeling
) and drifting quickly into a food coma.......
RedReiner those are some beautiful blues Love the fat chick.
Tkay your black batams are really purty

Nellie I am loving seeing the pics of that your black split. I would definitely try and get some blacks out of him. His type is really good.

Thank you for the support, I am going to try. I know it is a long road with the trial breedings but I really think it will be worth it in the end. At least 50% of his boys should be pure black right?
I will keep everyone post on the progress this fall

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