The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

I have two English Orps, one has started laying. She is laying "practice" eggs- very small but they are dark brown. I have a Buff Orpington that has always laid a creamy brown egg. Are there differences in the eggs of each breed of orp?
Too funny Walt! Lazy thieves with a good eye.

Julie my watermark program takes seconds. I'll PM you the one I have when I return home. Once they been posted without a watermark they are on the net "to infinity and beyond...".

Delilah, X 2! When I am not home I check in and look at the pictures. Comfort food.
OK Grasshopper, send me that one too please.
I have two English Orps, one has started laying. She is laying "practice" eggs- very small but they are dark brown. I have a Buff Orpington that has always laid a creamy brown egg. Are there differences in the eggs of each breed of orp?
each egg is different even in the same variety. I have 12 egg layers and I know who layed what egg by color and shape.
Quote: x2
Hi my name is William from sherburne New York and am really looking for some adult English orps for my birthday which is August 31st if anyone has any please pm me

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I have blacks, lines from Julie and Joy and one from marc sacre, they are huge and right now I have a couple cockerels growing out, they are around 3-4 months old. my last big hatch I hatched 27, got 7 blues and the rest were black!! I will have an extra one or two that needs a home soon...
hi my name is William do u still have an extra cockeral because i am looking for one for my birthday coming up and would just love another English orp roo please let me know


Went to the KY state fair today. Man,most of the birds looked rough. Guess it was the stress of all those people. Any how, these two ladies caught my eye. No idea who they belong to.
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The fair shows can be pretty rough on the birds...way too long for to go see but the APA shows have the good stuff....some people dont even try, just grab a bird out of the back yard and throw it in the fair....but some of the people and kids go all out and the birds are used to be handled clean and nice ect.
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That is good to know. I told my husband if that is what you can expect at a show I will never take my birds. Perhaps I should go to an APA show just to see what it is all about.

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